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Ace Ventura

10/14/06 9:07 AM

#18181 RE: Imperial Whazoo #18179

Imperial--your contributions to this board are appreciated. It is a pleasure to read your articulate and well thought out posts.
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10/14/06 9:19 AM

#18182 RE: Imperial Whazoo #18179

Imperial - I agree, I usually do not get worked up (I did this week) and should not have. I should have waited for your review of the information - I am sorry. I sent the information to you and asked for your opinion - unsolicited, because i felt you would be better at assessing the information and deliver a clear outline to the board of what it could mean.

I Just like you believe all information should be on the table for all to review, it is the absolute purpose of these boards.

I walked away from the debate because it became apparent to me after a ridiculous amount of PM attacks that most on this board including some who never post did not want this information discussed. I am here to make money .. through clear transparent research and collaboration, not to get into pissing matches with what are suppose to be adults - I do not have that kind of time or the desire to play their game. I posted the information to discuss it - not defend it! the information is real, but the purpose of the post the real question remains unanswered ---- how does this affect BIGN?

I sold that morning at break even before my post concerned that their might be onslaught of sales, I did the research and have every right to take my cash off the table and protect my investment dollars. All that said, I hope everyone is successful with BIGN, for me it was the only company i took seriously on the pinks most are here to be played not invested. If we find that BIGN is for real i will return and post regardless of how the rest of you feel. and for any companies like Strat petroleum that where associated with this mess and are quite possibly innocent i am sorry to include you - but guilt by association is unavoidable in this case, please do some DD yourself and post you findings.

Take care

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10/14/06 9:27 AM

#18183 RE: Imperial Whazoo #18179

Imperial - Thank you for your hard work. I agree that there are some posters on this board that are standing ready to slap down people. This should be a forum for ideas and thoughts. If someone disagrees with what has been posted then they should take the time to explain why they disagree which some posters do. But there are a few who just attack the poster. Most of us have money on the line here and just want to get to the truth.
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10/14/06 3:31 PM

#18184 RE: Imperial Whazoo #18179

FWIW, I enjoy your posts. You put too much thought and research into them not to be taken seriously. I've been in BIGN for a few months and follow this board. I don't post because I don't have much to contribute and don't want to disrupt those who do.

There are many good posters on this board that have been here a long time and have more collective knowledge and insight on this company than I could ever find on my own. I've learned a ton from you guys and thank all of you for that.

When I saw tyler's post, I didn't see a basher with an agenda.
I saw a concerned investor who found some unfavorable info that caused her to become alarmed. So, I stayed tuned waiting to see the responses from those who possessed the knowledge to refute this info.

And many did just that. But, too many started huffing and puffing. Some got indignant and some just came out swinging.

I've seen you guys post about wanting new money to come aboard, but I'll tell you right now....when a poster presents legitimate concerns and is then attacked and forced to retreat
and made to appear as a troublemaker, confidence is not instilled in the potential new investor. This kind of activity
creates the appearance of censorship and censorship breeds suspicion which does none of us any good.

As I said above, there are many good posters on this board with the knowledge to debate anything that's brought here.
Just don't see the need to bully anyone.

And that's my 2 cents.