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04/18/18 12:04 PM

#349212 RE: Gusjarvis #349211

Ps if Marco was guilty why wasn’t the OG and ph4d indicted

Because Marco was selling revoked shares for Urban in exchange for some of the profits. Brokering share sales without being a licensed broker is a felony. You can resell your own shares, you cannot act as a broker to help others dump their worthless shares on new suckers.

According to Glisson’s plea agreement, Glisson, who was not a registered broker or dealer of securities, conspired with others to purchase and sell CMKM, Inc. penny stock after the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) permanently revoked CMKM’s trading privileges

Did the OG or f4d resell revoked shares for other people?

The OG dumping their shares is pretty shady, but not illegal like Marco.

You can add Steve Oshins as another guy who scammed many of you on bogus dynasty trusts...but that's a civil legal matter between those who Steve scammed.

It's also why Hodges will be indicted this Summer for making up a fake story about a trust settlement so Al and his turd friends could resell their worthless shares. What Al did is exactly like what Marco did.

As for JEFF....the answer is all over the Internet. Frizzle probably thinks he's going to get 40% of whatever can be legally recovered someday and doesn't want you and your minions fugging that up. As in, piss off, go away, he's not answering you.

Get it now? Even ImSingleAndDumb can figure that one out.
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04/18/18 12:44 PM

#349213 RE: Gusjarvis #349211

Just a couple little honest posts has brought out the trolls big time. The truth hurts the story.

You haven't been correct in a decade and a half.

Truth? The truth is your posts look like you need some mental health help.

Half the time, you can't even keep your posts focused. The circle jerk over at millionaires board is like the blind leading the blind. Hence, why CMKX was able to sucker so many people for so much money. My source says...his source says. None of you have a correct source or you all would be on the phone to Hodges telling him to put up or get legally served. He can't because his pump and dump scam is about to be exposed.

This board picked up when Urban died. It picked up again with Edward's death and will slow down.

Although, when the DOJ points out Hodges lie about a trust settlement, this board will temporarily pick up again.

The millionaires board has been O for 100000000000 in their "sources" but you come over here acting like we're the delusional posters? Maybe you all need to start calling each other out over there first. Get to the bottom of why you all have been so wrong for so long.

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04/19/18 4:31 PM

#349230 RE: Gusjarvis #349211

It really and truly amazes me by how either stupid or stubborn you are.
As to why mretgnol bothers trying to explain things to you logically is a very good question. You are neither worthy of explanation, nor have the mental capacity to understand his posts any way.
However, I can say, you can look at the history of the posts on this board, most of us so called "bashers", have always been here. It is you that has oddly started showing up just as another attempted pump is in the works.
The best defense is a good offense I suppose.