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04/17/18 12:48 PM

#2209 RE: jugs #2208

Ok I took a starter @12.35 2K shares total will see if this support holds @this level to add more or if I can snatch some lower. Peace out.


04/17/18 4:02 PM

#2211 RE: jugs #2208

As usual, I agree, though I do not have any insight or opinion to a major calamity. My opinion is that the stock was pushed down and is now coming back to its true short term worth. This stock pays a high, consistent div and is worth more than $12


04/17/18 6:03 PM

#2213 RE: jugs #2208

Hi, Jugs.

Your jubilance of late is evident and welcome. I also sense relief. What is the ratio?

Although the $12.60 top was purty, I am pleased with today's gain. Perhaps that HOD was a harbinger of things to come?
