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04/12/18 2:33 PM

#129962 RE: stockdarockk #129960

This post is completely false.
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04/12/18 2:45 PM

#129964 RE: stockdarockk #129960

Didn’t we just go over this 2 days ago?

Please allow me to repost my reply...

>> The 4th quarter was dismal at $464,782 and this included Holiday sales. <<

3rd quarter saw $458,264

2nd quarter saw $439,036

1st quarter was $401,683

From what I see, the number have increased every quarter throughout the year.

>> 2016 saw $2,089,694, while 2017 saw a losing $1,763,765 <<

Did you not see the update yet? We got a TWO'fer as a surprise.

Not only did the NHS rollout perfectly without a hitch, we also got a new day surgery procedure approved, AND NOBODY SAW THIS COMING. This new program by itself will easily generate sales of more than 300,000 units annually by itself, and this is an extremely conservative estimate as I am allowing 6 months for the new program to be clicking on all 8 Cylinders. The patients will be sent home with an actipatch already being used, and an extra unit in the care package when they go home, ALONG WITH A SCRIPT FOR 6 MORE ActiPatches. Because the first group of this new program just began sometime this first quarter, I'm allowing 6 months to justify the fall off from the 1st of 8 ActiPatches provided.

I think the writing is on the wall already, the first quarter should meet or exceed the entire sales for 2017.

Now factor in 1 out of 100 people in the UK trying ActiPatch for the 1st time. (1% of 26M Chronic Pain sufferers)
represents annual sales of 260,000 units! HUGE

Now factor in 1 out of 50 people in the UK trying ActiPatch for the 1st time. (2% of 26M Chronic Pain sufferers)
represents annual sales of 520,000 units! EVEN BETTER!

Now factor in 1 out of 20 people in the UK trying ActiPatch for the 1st time. (5% of 26M Chronic Pain sufferers)
represents annual sales of 1.3M units! Are you seeing the bigger picture yet? I can't imagine not tapping into at least 10%+ by Q3 2018, simply because it works so well.

Now imagine you walk into a pharmacy in the UK and have CHRONIC pain, and its really bothering you (extremely painful). A pharmacist talks to you about whats bothering you. Introduces you to a BRAND NEW PRODUCT just listed on the Inc Tariff this month and will be reimbursed either partially or fully depending on your age.

This is the important part - I just cannot imagine when the word gets out (word of mouth advertising) in just a couple months from now anyone saying NO, ID RATHER BUY ADVIL OR TYLENOL.

IMO people will realize this is a hell of a product AND YOU JUST CANNOT BEAT THE PRICE (NHS WILL PICK UP THE TAB)! My point is it wont take long for us to be hitting GIANT numbers - well in excess of 10% (more than 1 out of 10 chronic users saying HELL YES, I'LL TRY IT). Afterall they have very little to lose with the exception of the chronic pain.

This is really the part where you and I will disagree, because IMO, this product has NEVER FAILED to heal an injury me or my family have tried it on. NEVER. Sometimes it just takes longer to work because everyone pain threshold is different as is their injuries. We've tried it on all kinds of serious injuries. I've been saying that for over 5 years.

I just posted the weekly chart - when you SEE what’s about to happen, maybe you’ll change your mind.

As far as not topping 2017’s 2M annual revenue, not even worried about it, because they were putting together the strategy I’d guess. I don’t belong to the board, so I have no idea.

Better starting getting a good rebuttal together, not for the Q1 numbers that will by themselves will beat the annual 2017 revenue, but the Q2 will probably make your head spin.

I can’t wait!

I think after it’s all said and done, you’re already buying every chance you get.
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04/12/18 2:47 PM

#129966 RE: stockdarockk #129960

LOL, I can Personally take out all the 15's

should I choose.

Chump change
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04/12/18 2:59 PM

#129968 RE: stockdarockk #129960

18.9 billion AND you've been saying that stacked thingy since .0003. How's that working out? Reverse split someday. No point to that either. Sales are GREAT considering NO ADVERTISING. We ALL know that will get better too. Next.
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04/12/18 4:23 PM

#129985 RE: stockdarockk #129960