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04/10/18 12:37 PM

#37774 RE: PRmaniac #37773

that's just speculation w/o facts where the $$$ is coming from for these trades...not all trades are retail on the greys when it comes to buying an investor's worthless shares...who puts up the $$$ OTHER than retail investors to take the shares off the hands of an unlucky investor taking a write off...PDXP


04/11/18 10:47 AM

#37779 RE: PRmaniac #37773

Exactly. I'm sure the only people buying are people saying "meh I'll throw 50, 100, 500 bucks at it see if it makes a run" Done it plenty with greys. Got lucky and made 50% on one, two sold for loss of -50 bucks.

And yeah if you bought during the great dump at .0003 and got lucky to sell at .0005-.001 you got in and out.

But nobody is seriously buying this for any other reason.

I woulda held for a week or two if I saw real movement on price but seeing it not move at all those first few days with 50m+ in action. Had to rip the band-aid