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04/11/18 5:17 PM

#3618 RE: RDT #3610

3Pea & Other EBPP&H Networking Facilitators

Demand outweighs supply, because CFPB (consumer financial protection bureau) rules and regulations governing the payment industry are on "hold" until April 2019.

With a bank and politician on every corner, America will take forever to get its EBPP&H act together, so it can compete with China & others.

20,000 networking correction facilitators are being hired by FaceBook. This may or may not speed-up American payment and processing methods.

Back-office "back-up" payment methods, would help stymie theft of data and use of ransomware.

3rd party back-up payment solutions, when merchants, hospitals and others are being hacked is doable.

Stay payment data and FB I-Tuned, while the business of America [business,] goes through a check, check and re-check networking sea-change, when AI (artificial intelligence) develops, deploys and is adopted by merchants, banks and others in the seeable future.