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04/09/18 12:02 PM

#3661 RE: kamrankha #3660

Kamrankha: Former shareholder say, not simple understand.

"Before I can answer your question, you should understand, be it notionally, the basic Anthropological difference between the West and the East, in particular, India. The West is reputedly described as materialistic, action-oriented, non-sentimental. In contrast, India is spiritually-tended, sentimental and revels in fostering human relations. Where do these differences come from? From the West's analytical civilizations grounding that contrasts Indian Holistic ethos. While this latter is value-oriented, Analytic approach is action-oriented, that is, it instinctively looks, in a situation, for the best possible means to fortify, aggrandize itself. Born from these different Anthropological make-up are the Holistic Idealism and Analytical Pragmaticism spawning a Hegemonic mindset."

By Pratap Codadu, at Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, India.