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04/04/18 5:09 PM

#146609 RE: i7squared #146608

When is the 90 day deal done. I have lost track of the days or was it when the blog was updated.
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04/04/18 5:25 PM

#146611 RE: i7squared #146608

1 Problem - does li chance news in a restricted market where there is the media hype of a trade war!!?? Spotify just ipo’d at a share price of 120’ish yday in the same day went black 25% then dropped off to a 10%ish, today it dropped 4-7% just seems as if nothing will out shine trump news may this ends.

Li has no choice if there are products being cycled in the system other then to drop news I think he’s come to a point where there are no more chances for a delay.

My thoughts are commercialization is here maybe even since 2016/2017, more and more watches are using amorphous processes, I’ve dropped a few links, but I have no concrete evidence so take with salt, I don’t think we will hear anything huge in the next quarter I believe that news should break out before’s all speculation of course, with DD involved, but hey if your in a penny stock speculation is what makes it fun ;) enjoy i7
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04/04/18 6:54 PM

#146624 RE: i7squared #146608

The decision to buy, hold, sell, add some or sell some and for how long with any dice roll should be made and or anticipated at the time of purchase by the one laying out their hard earned cash. No one can tell you, when to do that, since most dice rollers may have different strategies on this subject. On the other hand I can tell you that many warned me not to go in, in the first place. But these are advisers that derive salaries, not commissions but from fees based on their client’s portfolios net worth.

I guess it is still possible but not probable that one would roll the dice in this equity using the Braille Method. So if you find it hard and it makes you sick to see this dice roll go back into the red, then my suggestion is that you pay someone to advise you about dice rolling stocks and listen to them. Otherwise you’r emotions are going to determine how you invest and not your intellect. That usually leads to a bad outcome.

Now setting all of the above aside and without a fee or a commission. It has been stated here on this board by many posters, who have many different points of views on all issues except one. All agree or are in agreement that they believe Mr. Li and Eontec did not just invest $63 million plus move to new and bigger headquarters plus import and add equipment to sit down and read the sports section in the local newspapers. He did not pay $63 million for the patents. He bought a controlling interest and to date has kept LQMT as a separate equity. So based on the investment and intended direction that Mr. Li, has already stated. I believe all of us here, for better or for worse are waiting for the train to leave the station. Waiting for the future expectation of a sale to become part of present day reality. Right now all we see is LQMT adding some fuel, some coal, electricity to keep the train running and preparing for that day. That day can happen and should begin to happen in 2018.

Hope this helps.

Good luck to all.
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04/05/18 11:17 AM

#146672 RE: i7squared #146608

Please help me out here guys how long am I suppose to wait - please tell me one more time.


I'll try to be clear and precise with an answer.

First, your question is not an original one. I've been asking it for 7 years now while others have inquired the same for much longer. Take your cue from that as you move forward.

Second, believe no answer here that is founded upon speculation. People will say and do anything to support their own hyper "get rich quick" delusions. They are the ones who play the lottery every day and believe some of the other dribble provided by scam artists and conspiracy lunes the world over.

Third, observe the result of "PAUL'S PROMISE" as reported from the man himself this morning. While doing so recall the notion that back in January people posted that he must have had multiple contracts stuffed in his back pocket to make such a 90 day declaration. The true result is that LQMT has now publicized it's commitment to building "true relationships" ... what a guy huh ?

Lastly, had any of us had to report that kind of thing on a Blog I trust we would have been so humiliated that we would have resigned rather than post more such nonsense. Not so by our LQMT trough feeders ... as long as investors keep providing the nourishment they will continue to eat rather than produce.