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04/03/18 7:52 AM

#146214 RE: The Mongoose #146192

Right on Mongoose.

I suggest that your theories 1 and 3 are indeed correct.
My calcs (based on conversation) suggest we are indeed past the 30 day window date
I believe we have commenced the trial.
And my understanding is that the company has been advised (some time ago)
to minimize broadcasts (i assume in light of the lawsuit, dark side, and other factors
Looking to sidetrack the company).

If your invested and have been patient so far no reason to panic at this point.
Deeds not words soon to be before us.


04/03/18 9:29 AM

#146224 RE: The Mongoose #146192

Agreed. Having clear achievable endpoints for our trials would be a nice punch in the nose.

I just worry that we're the kid that thinks about and plans our punch for a very long time because we really want to knock this bully out. And when it's time to throw it, we land a great shot and the bully turns around and laughs.

He says good effort little man. Now I'm gonna take everything you've got and you can't do anything about it. But I'll throw you a few bucks to make it less painful. Now walk away like a good boy.