I'm fairly certain if you walked into Best Buy, bought some Samsung phones, slapped your logo on there and pawned them off as your own, you'd be breaking all sorts of laws. Not gonna happen bub, but nice try.
Would it make sense to share manufacturing and distribution points before launching a phone? The answer is no!
The intellectual property is the reason that info stays a mystery to the public. Until the phones unveiling, I wouldn’t expect a company to tell me who the manufacturer is...
Sort of the point when your bringing something to market!
I am so excited for mid 2018. By the way Mid 2018 is almost here. I know exactly what I own. I have no fear at all. UTOP is very solid. Huge money today huge !! Million's of dollars today Million's That just shows you how strong UTOP is. There wont be no fake u Tube. I believe that the peeps that have been shaken so violently and tossed around are all the non- believers of this company myself. Because I have NOT been shaken or tossed around VIOLENTLY !!! Why because I know exactly what I own !! UTOP STRONG !!