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03/26/18 9:19 PM

#278006 RE: fuagf #278005

Secret Memo Warned Donald Trump Data Firm About Breaking U.S. Law | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

Published on Mar 23, 2018

New reporting reveals the person behind the 2016 DNC email hack worked directly for Vladimir Putin’s military intelligence service. This, as a search warrant is approved for the headquarters of Trump digital firm Cambridge Analytica and NBC obtains a memo indicating the firm was warned they could violate U.S. Law during the 2016 campaign. Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul tells Ari Melber “it’s ludicrous” to suggest Russian election meddling had “no impact” on the U.S. Election.

Sheesh! No wonder Mueller's 'Cobb, it will be over by Christmas' investigation will likely continue for months from today.

No wonder Nunberg was freaking back when.

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03/28/18 2:14 AM

#278032 RE: fuagf #278005

Part 173, some of Russian meddling, and related, material from F6 big ones. These posted Monday, 03/26/18, covering
March 6, 2018, and headed, Lori Wallach and Michael Hudson Debate Trump’s Plan to Impose Steel & Aluminum Tariffs

The ninth, the president has not given any direction in this area

Team Trump admits it's not prepared to stop Russia meddling in 2018 midterms

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by ThinkProgress [ , ]
Top intelligence officials have confirmed Russia is trying to meddle in the 2018 midterm elections. Despite numerous warnings, including from
the Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, Trump and his team are doing very little to prevent Russian inference from happening again. [with comment]

The twenty-third

How Long Will America Put Up With CNN's Fake News Lies?

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by The Alex Jones Channel
Alex Jones breaks down the latest attacks on Infowars by the failing MSM and why your support is now more critical than ever. [with comments]

My add
A Researcher Just Found A 9,000-Video Network Of YouTube Conspiracy-Related Videos
"It's already tipped in favor of the conspiracists, I think."
Posted on February 26, 2018, at 5:28 a.m.
Charlie Warzel BuzzFeed News Reporter

Leave one, to these group of seven

Full Roger Stone Interview: Julian Assange is a ‘courageous journalist’
MTP Daily
Longtime Trump confidante, Roger Stone, joins MTP Daily to discuss Mueller’s intensifying Russia investigation and Sam Nunberg.
©2018 [a must-watch]


Roger Stone: Nunberg 'not speaking at my behest or direction'

MTP Daily
Longtime Trump confidante, Roger Stone, tells Chuck Todd that Sam Nunberg “marches to his own drummer.”
©2018 , [with comments] [an excerpt from the full interview just above]


Roger Stone: Trump and I never discussed WikiLeaks or Clinton's emails

MTP Daily
Longtime Trump confidante, Roger Stone, tells Chuck Todd that he and Donald Trump have never discussed WikiLeaks or Hillary Clinton's emails.
©2018 , [with comments] [an excerpt from the full interview second above]


Roger Stone: I've been called a 'dirty trickster' but I'm not treasonous
MTP Daily
Roger Stone tells Chuck that he's been called a "dirty trickster" but he doesn't believe treason is one of his tricks.
©2018 [an excerpt from the full interview third above]


Ari Melber explains why the unprecedented Sam Nunberg interview matters

The Beat with Ari Melber
Sam Nunberg’s rare inside look at the Mueller probe reveals who Mueller is eyeing, what documents he is seizing and possible clues on Mueller’s strategy. MSNBC’s chief
legal correspondent, Ari Melber, explains the legal significance of Nunberg’s risky “on the record” comments in contrast to the flurry of witnesses leaking anonymously.
©2018 , [with comments]


Inside Mueller's probe: Witness speaks out on 'The Beat'

The Beat with Ari Melber
The wife of guilty Trump aide George Papadopoulos, Simona Mangiante, speaks out about her grand
jury subpoena from Special Counsel Mueller and reacts to Sam Nunberg’s eye-opening interview.
©2018 , [with comments]


Why Mueller is saving Trump aide Roger Stone for last

The Beat with Ari Melber
New heat on Trump’s longtime ally and former campaign adviser, Roger Stone after Sam Nunberg alleges Bob Mueller is targeting
his mentor. In a new interview, Stone reveals a new Russia-WikiLeaks defense and says he has not heard from Mueller.
©2018 , [with comments]

Leave four to this threesome

White House exodus continues as Mueller closes in
All In with Chris Hayes
As the Russia investigation accelerates, economic advisor Gary Cohn is the latest in a string of aides to depart the White House.


New witness cooperating with Mueller: Report
All In with Chris Hayes
George Nader, a Lebanese-American who represents the Saudi Crown Prince who essentially runs the United Arab Emirates, is cooperating
with Mueller, reports the New York Times, "who appears to be examining the influence of foreign money on Mr. Trump's political activities."


Stormy Daniels sues Trump over hush agreement

All In with Chris Hayes
Adult actress Stormy Daniels is suing Donald Trump, saying he never signed their hush agreement and that it is therefore invalid.
©2018 , [with comments]

Leave five, to this pair

Adviser to UAE cooperating with Robert Mueller investigation: NYT
The Rachel Maddow Show
Rachel Maddow reports on a series of unusual meetings between the United Arab Emirates and the Trump administration and talks with Adam Goldman,
national security reporter for the New York Times, about new reporting that UAE adviser George Nader is cooperating with Robert Mueller's investigation.


Mueller scrutiny of Michael Cohen opens new front on collusion
The Rachel Maddow Show
Rachel Maddow reviews a new report in the Washington Post about longtime Donald Trump lawyer Michael Cohen and
the possibility that the Russian government tried to use him as a conduit to communicate with the Trump administration.

Add here this reminder:
The back-channel Russian Peace Plan. Cohen, Artemenko and Sater met a NY hotel a week after Trump's inauguration.

A Back-Channel Plan for Ukraine and Russia, Courtesy of Trump Associates

Leave one to this pair

Porn actress sues Trump over bungled hush money contract
The Rachel Maddow Show
Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell talk about breaking news that Stephanie Clifford, an adult performer
who uses the name Stormy Daniels, is suing Donald Trump to nullify their non-disclosure agreement.


Trump chaos: Cohn out, Conway broke law, Nunberg cooperating

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell
Lawrence O'Donnell recaps a tumultuous day in the Trump White House, which includes Kellyanne Conway's Hatch Act violation. Reporter
McKay Coppins explains why Sam Nunberg was "celebrating" his shocking media meltdown on Monday. Trump biographer Tim O'Brien joins.
©2018 , [with comments]

Leave one more to this triplet

Trump: Everybody wants to work in the White House. Cohn: I don't.
The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
Gary Cohn, the president's chief economic adviser is leaving the White House. The news came hours after Trump told reporters, 'Everybody wants
to work in the White House.' The news also comes just days after Hope Hicks announced she was leaving the Trump White House. Our panel reacts.
[originally aired March 6, 2018]


Porn star Stormy Daniels sues Pres. Trump

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
Porn star Stormy Daniels is suing Donald Trump Tuesday, alleging that he never signed the
nondisclosure agreement that his lawyer had arranged with her. Jonathan Lemire reacts.
[originally aired March 6, 2018] , [with comments]


Trump: America is ready if Russia meddles in 2018 midterms
The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
One day after reports that Trump's State Department has spent $0 of the $120 million allotted to fight Russian
meddling in the 2018 midterms, Trump told reporters the U.S. could 'counteract very strongly' any Russian efforts.
[originally aired March 6, 2018]

To "stashed March 6, 2018:"

George W. Bush Reportedly Sounds Off On Trump: ‘Sorta Makes Me Look Pretty Good’
Former president zings Trump in candid comments.

Reddit Says It Expunged Hundreds Of Russian Propaganda Accounts
Reddit’s CEO said the social news site was “cooperating with congressional inquiries.”

Gary Cohn to Resign as Trump’s Top Economic Adviser - blurbed at

Gary Cohn Resigns as White House Economic Adviser After Losing Tariffs Fight
Mr. Cohn was part of a globalist wing of the White House that lately has been in retreat

White House adviser Kellyanne Conway violated Hatch Act, federal investigator says
Kellyanne Conway, a top adviser to President Trump, violated federal law on two occasions by making public comments supportive of one candidate and against another ahead of a special Senate election in Alabama last year, a federal investigator said Tuesday.
The remarks, in a pair of televised interviews, amounted to a violation of the Hatch Act, which prohibits public employees from using their official capacity to conduct political activity, special counsel Henry J. Kerner said in a report.
The White House on Tuesday rejected the findings, saying Conway was only reflecting the president’s views when she spoke against Doug Jones, the Democrat running for the Senate seat, and in favor of Roy Moore, the Republican candidate. Jones ultimately won the seat.
Conway “did not advocate for or against the election of any particular candidate,” White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said in a statement. “She simply expressed the President’s obvious position that he have people in the House and Senate who support his agenda.”
But in an 11-page report [ ], the Office of the Special Counsel concluded that Conway “impermissibly mixed official government business with political views about candidates in the Alabama special election” and advised Trump to consider disciplinary action against Conway.

Trump's Carnival of Corruption


House GOP leaders call for second special counsel to probe alleged bias and surveillance abuse at FBI, DOJ


Adviser to Emirates With Ties to Trump Aides Is Cooperating With Special Counsel
WASHINGTON — An adviser to the United Arab Emirates with ties to current and former aides to President Trump is cooperating with the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, and gave testimony last week to a grand jury, according to two people familiar with the matter.
Mr. Mueller appears to be examining the influence of foreign money on Mr. Trump’s political activities and has asked witnesses about the possibility that the adviser, George Nader, funneled money from the Emirates to the president’s political efforts. It is illegal for foreign entities to contribute to campaigns or for Americans to knowingly accept foreign money for political races.
Mr. Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman who advises Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, the effective ruler of the Emirates, also attended a January 2017 meeting in the Seychelles that Mr. Mueller’s investigators have examined. The meeting, convened by the crown prince, brought together a Russian investor close to President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia with Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater and an informal adviser to Mr. Trump’s team during the presidential transition, according to three people familiar with the meeting.
Mr. Nader’s cooperation in the special counsel’s investigation could prompt new legal risks for the Trump administration, and Mr. Nader’s presence at the Seychelles meeting appears to connect him to the primary focus of Mr. Mueller’s investigation: examining Russian interference during the 2016 presidential campaign.
Mr. Nader represented the crown prince in the three-way conversation in the Seychelles, at a hotel overlooking in the Indian Ocean, in the days before Mr. Trump took office. At the meeting, Emirati officials believed Mr. Prince was speaking for the Trump transition team, and a Russian fund manager, Kirill Dmitriev, represented Mr. Putin, according to several people familiar with the meeting. Mr. Nader, who grew close later to several advisers in the Trump White House, had once worked as a consultant to Blackwater, a private security firm now known as Academi. Mr. Nader introduced his former employer to the Russian.

Blumenthal: Mueller should look into Nader meeting with Trump team, UAE

'Man of mystery' cooperates with Mueller in Russia probe

Mueller has secured sworn testimony from a little-known but pivotal witness in the Russia investigation
The special counsel Robert Mueller has secured sworn testimony from George Nader, a little-known but critical witness in the Russia investigation.
Nader serves as an adviser to the United Arab Emirates' Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan and attended two meetings with President Donald Trump's associates that have invited intense FBI scrutiny.
In particular, investigators are focused on a January 2017 meeting in the Seychelles islands between Nader, Trump associate Erik Prince, and Kremlin ally Kirill Dmitriev, the head of a sanctioned Russian investment fund.


Roger Stone ‘pleased’ Nunberg to cooperate with Russia probe

Roger Stone distances himself from Sam Nunberg after his wild media blitz
Republican strategist and former Trump adviser Roger Stone said Tuesday he was not involved in former campaign aide Sam Nunberg's freewheeling media blitz before, during, or after the fact.
Stone also said that he had no prior knowledge of WikiLeaks' disclosures during the 2016 presidential election.
"There is one trick that's not in my bag — that's treason," Stone said.
But he backtracked when he was asked whether he believed, as his statement implied, that it would be treasonous if the Trump campaign was found to have worked with Russia during the campaign.
"I don't think so, because for it to be a treasonous act, Assange would have to be provably a Russian asset and WikiLeaks would have to be a Russian front, and I do not believe that is the case," Stone replied.


A mysterious professor who told the Trump campaign about 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton has gone off the grid
No one can track down Joseph Mifsud, a professor who reportedly met with George Papadopoulos, a former Trump campaign adviser, during the 2016 US presidential campaign.
Mifsud allegedly told Papadopoulos that Russia had "dirt" on then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
Mifsud's finacé told Buzzfeed News that he cut off communication with her when his name leaked to the press last October.
Mar. 2, 2018

Academic at heart of Clinton 'dirt' claim vanishes, leaving trail of questions
November 10, 2017

Joseph Mifsud: more questions than answers about mystery professor linked to Russia
Court papers paint Mifsud, who has worked at universities in the UK and Italy, as a stealthy operator with deep links to the Kremlin – but he denies wrongdoing
31 )ct 2017

The boss, the boyfriend and the FBI: the Italian woman in the eye of the Trump-Russia inquiry
Simona Mangiante, the girlfriend of ex-Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos, also worked for a mysterious Russia-linked Maltese professor. No wonder Robert Mueller’s investigation came knocking
18 Jan 2018

Case Of The Missing London-Based Professor With Ties To Russia Investigation
December 20, 2017

Professor at center of Russia disclosures claimed to have met with Putin
October 31, 2017


Stormy Daniels sues Trump over alleged affair and 'hush' agreement

Stormy Daniels sues Trump over 'hush agreement'
An adult film actress embroiled in allegations of an affair with Donald Trump has filed a lawsuit against him alleging that a nondisclosure contract she signed is invalid.

Porn actress Stormy Daniels sues to void hush-money deal with Trump


Source: Michael Cohen was provided inside information about House Intel investigation

Special counsel has examined episodes involving Michael Cohen, Trump’s longtime lawyer


Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen Received Inside Info From Russia Probe
Closed-door testimony before the House Russia probe is supposed to stay behind closed doors. Somehow, it got into the hands of another witness—and key Trump confidant—instead.
