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Re: F6 post# 277975

Monday, 03/26/2018 11:59:15 PM

Monday, March 26, 2018 11:59:15 PM

Post# of 486901
Lori Wallach and Michael Hudson Debate Trump’s Plan to Impose Steel & Aluminum Tariffs

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by Democracy Now! [ / , ]

“Trade wars are good, and easy to win.” That’s the message President Trump tweeted on Friday, sending shockwaves across the globe and sparking fear of impending economic volatility. On Thursday, world stock markets tumbled after Trump announced he plans to impose new tariffs on imports of foreign steel and aluminum. The new tariffs—25 percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminum—will benefit U.S. producers of the metals, while raising prices for companies that manufacture everything from cars to airplanes to high-rise apartments. Prominent Republicans and business leaders have denounced Trump’s plan, saying the tariffs will hurt the manufacturing industry and U.S. competitiveness. Trump’s announcement has also prompted concerns that other countries will impose retaliatory tariffs while challenging U.S. protectionism at the World Trade Organization. For more, we host a debate. Lori Wallach is the director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch and author of “The Rise and Fall of Fast Track Trade Authority [ ].” Economist Michael Hudson is the author of “America’s Protectionist Takeoff 1815-1914 [ ].” [with embedded video, and transcript] [with comments]


Sen. Chris Murphy Calls for Reinstating Assault Weapons Ban & Breaking NRA’s “Vise Grip” on GOP

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by Democracy Now!

The Florida Senate has voted to support a number of a new gun control measures following the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, which left 17 people dead. Meanwhile, in Washington, Republican lawmakers said last week they’re moving on from the debate over gun control, after failing to pass a single bill on firearms in the wake of last month’s massacre in Florida. For more, we speak with one of the most vocal advocates for gun control in Washington, Democratic Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut. Shortly after the Florida shooting, Murphy took to the floor of the Senate to call for action. “Let me just note once again for my colleagues that this happens nowhere else other than the United States of America, this epidemic of mass slaughter, this scourge of school shooting after school shooting,” Murphy said. “It only happens here, not because of coincidence, not because of bad luck, but as a consequence of our inaction.” [with embedded video, and transcript] [with comments]


Sen. Chris Murphy: The U.S. Is Exporting Violence & Killing Civilians in Illegal War in Yemen

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by Democracy Now!

On Capitol Hill, three U.S. senators have introduced a bill that would force Congress to vote for the first time on whether to continue U.S. support for the Saudi-led coalition’s war in Yemen. The measure was introduced by Republican Mike Lee, Democrat Chris Murphy and Vermont independent Bernie Sanders, who noted that the Constitution gives Congress—and not the president—the power to declare war. For more, we speak with Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut. [with embedded video, and transcript] [with comments]


Full Show - Nunberg Is Mad As Hell And He Isn’t Taking It Any Longer - 03/06/2018

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by Real News with David Knight [ , ]

6Mar18 Broadcast

Sam Nunberg is being targeted by Mueller’s special persecution of Trump by trumping up charges against those surrounding the President. Monday afternoon, he went full Howard Beale and lthe networks loved it as he lost it on over a half dozen interviews in a short period of time. Roger Stone joins to discuss Nunberg’s statement that Mueller is trying to set up Roger. Then Mike Adams on his sudden, unexpected purge of his entire YouTube channel. And Silicon Valley corporations are secretly and quietly taking over “Smart Cities” and turning them into a surveillance nightmare where everything is owned by them and the controlled population are renters on an allowance.

[from Alex Jones and his merry band of batshit bullshitters] [with comments] [also at (with comments)]


Readout of President Donald J. Trump’s Call with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada

Issued on: March 6, 2018

President Donald J. Trump spoke yesterday with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada to address trade and the ongoing NAFTA negotiations in Mexico City. President Trump emphasized his commitment to a NAFTA agreement that was fair to all three countries, noting the current agreement leaves the United States with a trade deficit.


Alex Jones Official Statement On Pepe The Frog Lawsuit

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

Alex Jones responds to the latest frivolous lawsuit against free speech. [with comments]


Statement from Vice President Mike Pence on North Korea

Issued on: March 6, 2018

Whichever direction talks with North Korea go, we will be firm in our resolve. The United States and our allies remain committed to applying maximum pressure on the Kim regime to end their nuclear program. All options are on the table and our posture toward the regime will not change until we see credible, verifiable, and concrete steps toward denuclearization.


Readout of the Vice President’s Call with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine

Issued on: March 6, 2018

In a phone call today with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, Vice President Mike Pence reaffirmed the United States’ steadfast support for Ukraine’s efforts to combat Russian aggression, improve governance, and reform its economy. The leaders agreed on the importance of expanding bilateral trade and investment, and the Vice President underscored the need for continued reforms to fight corruption, increase transparency, and improve the business climate. The Vice President reiterated that the United States will continue to hold Russia accountable until it fulfills its commitments under the Minsk agreements, returns the Crimean peninsula to Ukraine, and ceases its destabilizing activities.


Team Trump admits it's not prepared to stop Russia meddling in 2018 midterms

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by ThinkProgress [ , ]

Top intelligence officials have confirmed Russia is trying to meddle in the 2018 midterm elections. Despite numerous warnings, including from the Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, Trump and his team are doing very little to prevent Russian inference from happening again. [with comment]


Full Show - Radical Leftists Pushing To End Free Speech And Destroy Infowars - 03/06/2018

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by The Alex Jones Channel

Tuesday, March 6th 2018[, with appearances by Mike Adams, Jim Hoft and Gary Franchi, and Paul Joseph Watson hosting the fourth hour]: Why America hates mainstream media - An Ex-Trump aide created a media circus by publically denying Mueller's subpoena, adding, “It would be funny if they arrest me" - all while providing no evidence Trump did anything illegal during his campaign. Also, North Korea is considering giving up their nukes in exchange for regime security. [with comments] [also at (additional text adapted from; with comments)]


RWW News: ‘Health Ranger’ Mike Adams Declares That ‘Real Diversity’ ‘Looks Like Infowars’

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by RWW Blog [ / , ] [with comments]


RWW News: Star Parker Says Democrats Are 'Evil' And 'The Party Of Anti-Christ'

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by RWW Blog [with comments]


RWW News: Cindy Jacobs Takes Authority Over The Deep State

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by RWW Blog [with comments]


RWW News: Cindy Jacobs Convenes The Court Of Heaven To Rule Over SCOTUS

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by RWW Blog [with comments]


RWW News: Lance Wallnau: Billy Graham’s Death Has Released An Anointing To Raise Up A Generation Of 'Statesmen Evangelists' To Influence Government

Published on Mar 7, 2018 by RWW Blog

[from March 6, 2018] [with comments]


President Trump Meets with Prime Minister Stefan Löfven

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by The White House [ / , ]

The White House

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Löfven of Sweden Before Bilateral Meeting
Oval Office
March 6, 2018 [official transcript] [with comments]


President Trump Holds a Joint Press Conference with Prime Minister Stefan Löfven

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by The White House

The White House

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Löfven of Sweden in Joint Press Conference
East Room
March 6, 2018 [official transcript] [with comments] [also, a bit clipped at the beginning, at (comments disabled)]


Full Show - Gary Cohn To Resign As Top Economic Aid - 03/06/2018

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by War Room [ , ]

Breaking news drops as the War Room is live, as Gary Cohn announces his intentions to resign as President Trump's top economic advisor. We hear from Roger Stone on his experience on Meet The Press as well as his take on Cohn's resignation. Although the stories are the Democrats are winning votes, their base is protesting outside of their facilities, saying they're not allies. We also cover the latest news from the Italian elections.

[from Alex Jones and his merry band of batshit bullshitters] [with comments] [also at (with comments)]


Tim Foley, Arizona Border Recon, and Cocaine Alley

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by VICELAND [ , ]

Tim Foley, founder of Arizona Border Recon, claims that some humanitarians on the border are suffering from white guilt and aiding drug cartels. He also discusses what motivates him to invest time and energy in patrolling the border. [with comments]


Remarks by Vice President Pence at Tax Cuts to Put America First Event
Mid-America Center
Council Bluffs, Iowa
March 6, 2018 [official transcript]


Monetizing Thirst: The Life of the Instafamous

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by VICE [ / , , ]

Rick Twombley and Griff King are celebrities on gay Instagram, and they’ve found a way to monetize their sexy selfies. The married couple posts workout videos, cooking demonstrations, NSFW photo galleries and relationship advice on a subscription-based site called OnlyFans. On this episode of Fameish, VICE meets up with them in their Atlanta home and finds out what it’s like to sell a gay dream. [comments disabled]


"IT'S NOT A MOON" — A Bad Lip Reading of Star Wars

Published on Mar 12, 2018 by Bad Lip Reading [ / , ]

Grand Moff Tarkin shares a musical moment with Princess Leia aboard the Death Star... [with (over 5,000) comments]


How Long Will America Put Up With CNN's Fake News Lies?

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by The Alex Jones Channel

Alex Jones breaks down the latest attacks on Infowars by the failing MSM and why your support is now more critical than ever. [with comments]


Kris Kobach on Trial: Day 1

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by aclu [ / , ]

Seven hours, three plaintiffs, and one expert witness later: Day 1 of trial against Kris Kobach was one for the books.

Here’s Dale Ho, director of the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project, on today’s arguments and the fight for voting rights ahead of us this week.

For more: [with comment]


Full Roger Stone Interview: Julian Assange is a ‘courageous journalist’

MTP Daily

Longtime Trump confidante, Roger Stone, joins MTP Daily to discuss Mueller’s intensifying Russia investigation and Sam Nunberg.

©2018 [a must-watch]


Roger Stone: Nunberg 'not speaking at my behest or direction'

MTP Daily

Longtime Trump confidante, Roger Stone, tells Chuck Todd that Sam Nunberg “marches to his own drummer.”

©2018 , [with comments] [an excerpt from the full interview just above]


Roger Stone: Trump and I never discussed WikiLeaks or Clinton's emails

MTP Daily

Longtime Trump confidante, Roger Stone, tells Chuck Todd that he and Donald Trump have never discussed WikiLeaks or Hillary Clinton's emails.

©2018 , [with comments] [an excerpt from the full interview second above]


Roger Stone: I've been called a 'dirty trickster' but I'm not treasonous

MTP Daily

Roger Stone tells Chuck that he's been called a "dirty trickster" but he doesn't believe treason is one of his tricks.

©2018 [an excerpt from the full interview third above]


Ari Melber explains why the unprecedented Sam Nunberg interview matters

The Beat with Ari Melber

Sam Nunberg’s rare inside look at the Mueller probe reveals who Mueller is eyeing, what documents he is seizing and possible clues on Mueller’s strategy. MSNBC’s chief legal correspondent, Ari Melber, explains the legal significance of Nunberg’s risky “on the record” comments in contrast to the flurry of witnesses leaking anonymously.

©2018 , [with comments]


Inside Mueller's probe: Witness speaks out on 'The Beat'

The Beat with Ari Melber

The wife of guilty Trump aide George Papadopoulos, Simona Mangiante, speaks out about her grand jury subpoena from Special Counsel Mueller and reacts to Sam Nunberg’s eye-opening interview.

©2018 , [with comments]


Why Mueller is saving Trump aide Roger Stone for last

The Beat with Ari Melber

New heat on Trump’s longtime ally and former campaign adviser, Roger Stone after Sam Nunberg alleges Bob Mueller is targeting his mentor. In a new interview, Stone reveals a new Russia-WikiLeaks defense and says he has not heard from Mueller.

©2018 , [with comments]


Why These West Virginia Teachers Went On Strike (HBO)

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by VICE News [ / , ]

Amid the teachers strike continuing, VICE News goes to West Virginia to talk to twin sisters who are both teachers, one who lives in the wealthier northern part of the state and one in southern coal country. [with comments]


This Is What ISIS Leaves Behind: VICE on HBO, Full Segment

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by VICE News

As a major stronghold of ISIS in its brutal sweep across Iraq, the city of Mosul has been central in the war to defeat the terror group.

Iraqi forces began their campaign to crush ISIS in October 2016 just outside of Erbil, with a coalition of Kurdish peshmerga forces, and Western advisory allies. It was a long and arduous process of slowly advancing first from town to town along the Nineveh plains toward the city and then from block to block as they worked to liberate sectors of the city.

VICE’s Aris Roussinos embedded with Iraqi forces as they began the campaign to retake Mosul. [with comments]


Inside Beto O'Rourke's Fight To Take Down Ted Cruz (HBO)

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by VICE News

AUSTIN, Texas — Texas Democratic Rep. Beto O’Rourke is hoping to defeat Sen. Ted Cruz — and end a 30-year streak of statewide losses for his party — by taking his grassroots-driven campaign to every single one of Texas’ 254 counties, including the deep-red ones that Democrats have ignored for decades.

“I don't know if I'm going to win more votes than the last Democrat who ran in those counties, but I know that not enough Democrats have been showing up in those counties in the first place,” he told VICE News in an interview on the road in the middle of a seven-stop day on the campaign trail last month.

“And they haven't been reflecting the needs of those counties in what they say on the campaign trail.”

But for all he says he’s looking to reflect the needs of those voters, when he visits seven Republican-leaning rural counties across West Texas on a Saturday in February, he doesn’t moderate his liberal profile on a range of issues. During a stop in Brown County — which voted for Trump by 86 percent — he touts his support for an assault weapons ban. In Parker County, where Trump won 82 percent of the vote, he’s unapologetically pro-choice.

Running as a liberal is a tough task in a state Republicans have won statewide every election cycle since 1994.

But Texas’ demographic shifts — towards a younger, more diverse electorate — suggest it’s just a matter of time until Democrats take back the state. And O’Rourke believes the grassroots energy behind his campaign — which has helped him outraise Cruz over the past four months of the race — coupled with frustration among Republicans with Cruz and Trump’s performance in office could make this cycle different for Democrats.

“I think there's some energy around the things that we're concerned about — this idea that we build a wall...this incitement of fear about Muslims,” he said.

But O’Rourke added: “There's a lot more energy—I think you saw it tonight around the things that people want to do, that they're excited for,” like raising the minimum wage and passing immigration reform. [with comments]


The West Virginia Teachers' Strike Is Over. The Fight Isn't. (HBO)

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by VICE News

Gov. Jim Justice, state lawmakers and teachers reached a deal today to get West Virginia teachers back into the classroom. Teachers and other state personnel, including state troopers, will receive a 5% raise each year in this deal [with comments]


White House exodus continues as Mueller closes in

All In with Chris Hayes

As the Russia investigation accelerates, economic advisor Gary Cohn is the latest in a string of aides to depart the White House.



New witness cooperating with Mueller: Report

All In with Chris Hayes

George Nader, a Lebanese-American who represents the Saudi Crown Prince who essentially runs the United Arab Emirates, is cooperating with Mueller, reports the New York Times, "who appears to be examining the influence of foreign money on Mr. Trump's political activities."



Stormy Daniels sues Trump over hush agreement

All In with Chris Hayes

Adult actress Stormy Daniels is suing Donald Trump, saying he never signed their hush agreement and that it is therefore invalid.

©2018 , [with comments]


Trump appeared to mix up North and South Korea

All In with Chris Hayes

President Trump seems to be back on track, after apparently confusing North and South Korea.

©2018 , [with comments]


As West Virginia teachers' strike ends, is Oklahoma next?

All In with Chris Hayes

West Virginia teachers had their demands met after nine days on strike - and now a lot of Oklahoma teachers are saying they're going to follow in their footsteps.



2018 midterms officially begin in Texas

All In with Chris Hayes

Turning Texas blue has been a Democratic dream for years. Rep. Beto O'Rourke is hoping he can get that done.



Trump, apparently winging it on tariff policy, loses Gary Cohn

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reports on the resignation of Gary Cohn, Donald Trump's top economic advisor, as Trump is in the midst of attempting to wing it through the implementation of complicated, consequential tariff policy.

©2018 , [with comments]


Untethered Trump fails to process advice on tariff policy

The Rachel Maddow Show

MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle talks with Rachel Maddow about the dynamics within the White House that led to the departure of Donald Trump's top economic adviser Gary Cohn.



Adviser to UAE cooperating with Robert Mueller investigation: NYT

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reports on a series of unusual meetings between the United Arab Emirates and the Trump administration and talks with Adam Goldman, national security reporter for the New York Times, about new reporting that UAE adviser George Nader is cooperating with Robert Mueller's investigation.



Mueller scrutiny of Michael Cohen opens new front on collusion

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reviews a new report in the Washington Post about longtime Donald Trump lawyer Michael Cohen and the possibility that the Russian government tried to use him as a conduit to communicate with the Trump administration.



West Virginia teachers end strike victorious, may serve as model

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reports on the teachers of West Virginia ending their record-setting strike after winning the raise they were demanding, and points out that West Virginia isn't the only state with teachers who are overdue raises.



Porn actress sues Trump over bungled hush money contract

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell talk about breaking news that Stephanie Clifford, an adult performer who uses the name Stormy Daniels, is suing Donald Trump to nullify their non-disclosure agreement.



Trump chaos: Cohn out, Conway broke law, Nunberg cooperating

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Lawrence O'Donnell recaps a tumultuous day in the Trump White House, which includes Kellyanne Conway's Hatch Act violation. Reporter McKay Coppins explains why Sam Nunberg was "celebrating" his shocking media meltdown on Monday. Trump biographer Tim O'Brien joins.

©2018 , [with comments]


Lawrence debunks Trump's claim trade wars don't hurt U.S.

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

President Donald Trump continued his riff that trade wars can be good. Lawrence O'Donnell explains why the opposite is true. He's joined by Robert Reich and Jennifer Rubin.

©2018 , [with comments]


Jared Kushner to meet with President of Mexico

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Jared Kusher will travel to Mexico on Wednesday to meet with President Enrique Peña Nieto. It comes amid Trump's trade controversy and as Kushner is under scrutiny for meetings with foreign governments. Neera Tanden and Jennifer Rubin join Lawrence O'Donnell.



Trump: Everybody wants to work in the White House. Cohn: I don't.

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

Gary Cohn, the president's chief economic adviser is leaving the White House. The news came hours after Trump told reporters, 'Everybody wants to work in the White House.' The news also comes just days after Hope Hicks announced she was leaving the Trump White House. Our panel reacts.


[originally aired March 6, 2018]


Porn star Stormy Daniels sues Pres. Trump

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

Porn star Stormy Daniels is suing Donald Trump Tuesday, alleging that he never signed the nondisclosure agreement that his lawyer had arranged with her. Jonathan Lemire reacts.


[originally aired March 6, 2018] , [with comments]


Trump: America is ready if Russia meddles in 2018 midterms

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

One day after reports that Trump's State Department has spent $0 of the $120 million allotted to fight Russian meddling in the 2018 midterms, Trump told reporters the U.S. could 'counteract very strongly' any Russian efforts.


[originally aired March 6, 2018]


Trump admin. reverses Obama-era ban on elephant trophy imports

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

Wildlife biologist & conservationist Jeff Corwin reacts to the Trump administration's reversal of a ban on the imports of animal trophies from parts of Africa. The Obama-era ban included include elephants, lions, and more. Corwin calls the policy change 'sad, deplorable, depressing, but not surprising.'


[originally aired March 6, 2018] , [with comments]


Sam Nunberg Loses His Mind on Live TV | The Daily Show

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah [ , ]

After receiving a subpoena, Sam Nunberg takes to cable news to discredit the Mueller investigation, only to offer up his email passwords a few hours later. [with comments]


Sam Nunberg's Wild Cable News Ride - Between the Scenes: The Daily Show

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

Sam Nunberg's media blitz brings back painful childhood memories for Trevor. [with comments]


Gary Cohn Resigns - Between the Scenes: The Daily Show

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

Trump’s top economic adviser Gary Cohn, who threatened to resign after Charlottesville, decides to quit over tariffs. [with comments]


Jesus Take The Wheel: High-Capacity Divine Intervention - The Opposition w/ Jordan Klepper

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by Comedy Central [ / , , ]

Jordan honors America's brave lawmaker's for taking the necessary steps to make schools safer, including displaying holy messages as a deterrent for gun violence. [with comments]


Kim Jong-Un Uses 'The Bachelor' To Describe The Nuclear Standoff

Published on Mar 7, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert [ , ]

North Korea's supreme leader is showing signs of rational thinking. Unlike Arie!

[originally aired March 6, 2018] [with comments]


Kim Jong-Un Tests A New Weapon Called 'Optimism'

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Trump reacted to optimistic signals toward North Korea's denuclearization the same way he reacts to everything. . . with a half-thought-out tweet. [with comments]


Trump's Trade War Means Pricier Jeans, Bikes, Boo

Published on Mar 7, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, for once, won't bend for aluminum and steel tariffs proposed by Trump.

[originally aired March 6, 2018] [with comments]


Gary Cohn Cashes Out

Published on Mar 7, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Trump's top economic advisor Gary Cohn couldn't take the heat, so he got out of the White House.

[originally aired March 6, 2018] [with comments]


Oprah Winfrey Searched For Meaning In Trump's Latest Tweet About Her

Published on Mar 7, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

'A Wrinkle In Time' star Oprah Winfrey took some time to reflect on Trump's criticism of her '60 Minutes' appearance. And she still couldn't figure it out.

[originally aired March 6, 2018 (U.S. central time)] [with comments]


Oprah Winfrey Gets A Sign From God About 2020

Published on Mar 7, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

'A Wrinkle In Time' star Oprah Winfrey gets some career advice from a slightly less famous figure: the Lord.

[originally aired March 6, 2018 (U.S. central time)] [with comments]


Back in My Day: Black Panther, This Is Us

Published on Mar 7, 2018 by Late Night with Seth Meyers [ / , ]

Seth reminisces about a simpler - albeit recent - time when people weren't losing all their money by investing in Bitcoin.

[from the late-night March 6, 2018 show] [with comments]


Intro section for - #CTM Ep 894 - with John B Wells

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by John B. Wells The ONLY Official CTM Channel [ / , ]

Tuesday Mar 06, 2018
News Section for Caravan to Midnight full long-form interview
Episode 894 - Dr. John Huber
On this episode of CTM, Dr. John Huber returns to discuss the mental state of the individual and the Country. And as always, he and John B. will range out across a wide field of topics and may even cross a frontier or two.
Full interview -

Former Host of Coast To Coast AM John B Wells is now in control on Caravan To Midnight & Ark Midnight. [with comments]


stashed March 6, 2018:

George W. Bush Reportedly Sounds Off On Trump: ‘Sorta Makes Me Look Pretty Good’
Former president zings Trump in candid comments.

Trump Referenced The Wrong Korea At Media Dinner: Report - blurbed at
“President Trump did not have a call with the North Koreans,” a source told Yonhap News Agency.

Reddit Says It Expunged Hundreds Of Russian Propaganda Accounts
Reddit’s CEO said the social news site was “cooperating with congressional inquiries.”

After Fights And Arrests, Richard Spencer Speaks To Tiny Crowd At Michigan State
Spencer and his white supremacist buddies had a miserable two days in Michigan. Everywhere they went, anti-fascist protesters were waiting.

The False Case Against ‘Foreign-Born Terrorists’ - TomDispatch
Using fake facts to make us afraid on immigration and terrorism, the Trump Administration misleads about its own misleading data

Trump Reportedly Broke Another Promise, This Time To Australia - re steel and aluminum tariffs - blurbed at
The agreement reportedly occurred during the G20 meeting in Germany last July.
cites, among others:
Here Are the Promises President Trump Kept and Broke in His First Year

Trump Administration Reverses Promise To Ban Elephant Hunt Trophies
The U.S. government will allow hunters to import elephant trophies on a case-by-case basis, breaking the president’s pledge.

You May Be Funding The Gun Lobby Without Even Knowing It
You can divest, but it’s complicated.

Letter Revealing How Gandhi Really Felt About Christianity Is Sold For $50,000 - tie [Einstein letter]
In the letter, the Hindu leader muses on his beliefs about Jesus.
A private buyer has purchased a historical letter in which Indian independence leader Mohandas K. Gandhi muses about his personal relationship with Jesus and Christianity.
The typed document, which contains Gandhi’s handwritten signature, sold to a buyer for $50,000 on Friday, according to Nathan Raab, president of the historical document dealer Raab Collection in Ardmore, Pa. The company told HuffPost it does not disclose the identity of its buyers or sellers.
In 1926, an American Christian religious elder, Milton Newberry Frantz, wrote to Gandhi, inviting the Hindu leader to read an article Frantz had written about Christianity. On April 6 of that year, Gandhi wrote back to Frantz from an ashram in Gujarat.
Gandhi wrote that he felt Jesus was “one of the great teachers of mankind.” However, he couldn’t subscribe to the Christian belief that Jesus was more than that.
Gandhi tells Frantz:
Dear Friend, I have your letter. I am afraid it is not possible for me to subscribe to the creed you have sent me. The subscriber is made to believe that the highest manifestation of the unseen reality was Jesus Christ. In spite of all my efforts, I have not been able to feel the truth of that statement. I have not been able to move beyond the belief that Jesus was one of the great teachers of mankind.
Gandhi goes on to state that it’s important to respect all people’s faith traditions, since all religions are based on a “common thread of love and mutual esteem.”
He writes:
Do you not think that religious unity is to be had not by a mechanical subscription to a common creed but by all respecting the creed of each? In my opinion, difference in creed there must be so long as there are different brains. But who does it matter if all these are hung upon the common thread of love and mutual esteem?
Gandhi grew up in a Hindu family that was primarily devoted to the worship of the god Vishnu. He was also introduced at a young age to Jainism, a religion that emphasizes nonviolence.
For much of his adult life, Gandhi earnestly studied the religions of the world. He read the Quran, Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount and the writings of Leo Tolstoy on Christianity. He was deeply influenced by the Bhagavad Gita, one of the core religious texts in Hinduism, and remained a committed Hindu for the rest of his life.
By the time he wrote the letter to Frantz, Gandhi had already emerged as a leading figure in India’s movement for independence from British rule. He had inspired thousands of followers to boycott British institutions and encouraged many to replace imported British goods with items produced in India.
After being arrested and jailed for sedition in 1922, Gandhi retreated from political prominence for a few years. The letter to Frantz was written during this time.
Gandhi reemerged as a political leader by late 1928 and in 1930 launched the Salt March, a massive nonviolent protest against the British salt tax.
When India achieved independence in 1947, Gandhi strongly opposed the country’s partition into India and Pakistan, and he urged Hindus and Muslims to live together peacefully. He was killed on Jan. 30, 1948, by a Hindu fanatic who was angry about Gandhi’s efforts to negotiate with Muslims.

Washington State Sets Net Neutrality Showdown As Governor Signs Law
It’s the first state to pass net neutrality legislation, setting up a clash with the Federal Communications Commission.

Bill And Melinda Gates Pledge $170 Million To Women’s Economic Empowerment
“When money flows into the hands of women who have the authority to use it, everything changes.”

A New Generation Of Anti-Gentrification Radicals Are On The March In Los Angeles – And Around The Country - Yahoo! News - BIG piece
Perhaps the best places to look for signs of growing national momentum, however, are Chicago and Austin, Texas.

Gary Cohn to Resign as Trump’s Top Economic Adviser - blurbed at

Gary Cohn Resigns as White House Economic Adviser After Losing Tariffs Fight
Mr. Cohn was part of a globalist wing of the White House that lately has been in retreat

Trump wants a trade war. Some of his advisers are desperately trying to stop it.
Gary Cohn is making a last-minute bid to change Trump’s mind on tariffs.

What Trump’s Trade Guru Doesn’t Get About Economics
Promoting Peter Navarro would not be good for growth.

How Trump’s trade war finally broke Gary Cohn
The White House’s top economic adviser was Trump’s most important link to investors and much of corporate America, until Trump sided with tariffs.

Wall Street prepares for ugly sell-off after Cohn’s resignation. It’s about more than trade.


Donald Trump cautious on N Korea nuclear disarmament talks - further to

North Korea puts denuclearization on the negotiating table. Is it a breakthrough or stalling tactic?

Trump’s Trade Plan Threatens to Derail Korean Security Talks


White House adviser Kellyanne Conway violated Hatch Act, federal investigator says
Kellyanne Conway, a top adviser to President Trump, violated federal law on two occasions by making public comments supportive of one candidate and against another ahead of a special Senate election in Alabama last year, a federal investigator said Tuesday.
The remarks, in a pair of televised interviews, amounted to a violation of the Hatch Act, which prohibits public employees from using their official capacity to conduct political activity, special counsel Henry J. Kerner said in a report.
The White House on Tuesday rejected the findings, saying Conway was only reflecting the president’s views when she spoke against Doug Jones, the Democrat running for the Senate seat, and in favor of Roy Moore, the Republican candidate. Jones ultimately won the seat.
Conway “did not advocate for or against the election of any particular candidate,” White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said in a statement. “She simply expressed the President’s obvious position that he have people in the House and Senate who support his agenda.”
But in an 11-page report [ ], the Office of the Special Counsel concluded that Conway “impermissibly mixed official government business with political views about candidates in the Alabama special election” and advised Trump to consider disciplinary action against Conway.

Trump's Carnival of Corruption


In Russian Ex-Spy’s Poisoning, Britain Sees Echoes of Cold War - Sergei V. Skripal

"Traitors will kick the bucket": Russian President Vladimir Putin's threat as poisoned spy Sergei Skripal sent to UK
Former double agent Sergei Skripal was granted refuge in Britain after a Cold War-style spy swap between Russia and the US


‘I proved to be right’: Trump again refers to an imaginary attack in Sweden

Trump claims vindication for baffling Sweden terror comments last year


Jump In Overdoses Shows Opioid Epidemic Has Worsened


Here's what happened in the 2018 Texas primaries
As polls opened in the Texas primaries on Tuesday, The Texas Tribune laid out seven key questions for election night. Now that the smoke is clearing, here are the answers.

'There's something different going on there': We might be seeing the first signs of a Democratic wave in Texas
For the first time in a quarter century, Democrats are running in every congressional district in Texas — a total of 36 seats.
And early voter turnout in the state's primary elections indicate a surge in Democratic voter engagement.
But divisions in the Democratic Party are being exposed by competitive primaries between progressive candidates looking to excite the base and centrist ones, seeking swing-voter support.

Democrats hope Texas turnout leads to national wave

Democrats Mobilized by Anger at Trump Surge in Texas Primaries
Strong turnout recorded in first primary of 2018 campaign
Influx of women candidates reflected in state results


House GOP leaders call for second special counsel to probe alleged bias and surveillance abuse at FBI, DOJ


Trump complicit with Scaramucci attacks on Kelly

Why John Kelly struggles so much as Trump’s chief of staff


10 years after financial crisis, Senate prepares to roll back banking rules

Democrats fail to mend split over rolling back Dodd-Frank financial regulations

Elizabeth Warren Calls for Targeted Deregulation of Community Banks
Rules for big banks, consumer protections should stay as they are, Democratic senator says

Warren Democrats for Wall Street
A modest Senate reform would help regional and small banks compete.

Senate Democrats Help Advance Bill That Could Increase Risk Of Financial Crisis
But only slightly. Nothing to worry about!


Adviser to Emirates With Ties to Trump Aides Is Cooperating With Special Counsel
WASHINGTON — An adviser to the United Arab Emirates with ties to current and former aides to President Trump is cooperating with the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, and gave testimony last week to a grand jury, according to two people familiar with the matter.
Mr. Mueller appears to be examining the influence of foreign money on Mr. Trump’s political activities and has asked witnesses about the possibility that the adviser, George Nader, funneled money from the Emirates to the president’s political efforts. It is illegal for foreign entities to contribute to campaigns or for Americans to knowingly accept foreign money for political races.
Mr. Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman who advises Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, the effective ruler of the Emirates, also attended a January 2017 meeting in the Seychelles that Mr. Mueller’s investigators have examined. The meeting, convened by the crown prince, brought together a Russian investor close to President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia with Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater and an informal adviser to Mr. Trump’s team during the presidential transition, according to three people familiar with the meeting.
Mr. Nader’s cooperation in the special counsel’s investigation could prompt new legal risks for the Trump administration, and Mr. Nader’s presence at the Seychelles meeting appears to connect him to the primary focus of Mr. Mueller’s investigation: examining Russian interference during the 2016 presidential campaign.
Mr. Nader represented the crown prince in the three-way conversation in the Seychelles, at a hotel overlooking in the Indian Ocean, in the days before Mr. Trump took office. At the meeting, Emirati officials believed Mr. Prince was speaking for the Trump transition team, and a Russian fund manager, Kirill Dmitriev, represented Mr. Putin, according to several people familiar with the meeting. Mr. Nader, who grew close later to several advisers in the Trump White House, had once worked as a consultant to Blackwater, a private security firm now known as Academi. Mr. Nader introduced his former employer to the Russian.

Blumenthal: Mueller should look into Nader meeting with Trump team, UAE

'Man of mystery' cooperates with Mueller in Russia probe

Mueller has secured sworn testimony from a little-known but pivotal witness in the Russia investigation
The special counsel Robert Mueller has secured sworn testimony from George Nader, a little-known but critical witness in the Russia investigation.
Nader serves as an adviser to the United Arab Emirates' Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan and attended two meetings with President Donald Trump's associates that have invited intense FBI scrutiny.
In particular, investigators are focused on a January 2017 meeting in the Seychelles islands between Nader, Trump associate Erik Prince, and Kremlin ally Kirill Dmitriev, the head of a sanctioned Russian investment fund.


Roger Stone ‘pleased’ Nunberg to cooperate with Russia probe

Roger Stone distances himself from Sam Nunberg after his wild media blitz
Republican strategist and former Trump adviser Roger Stone said Tuesday he was not involved in former campaign aide Sam Nunberg's freewheeling media blitz before, during, or after the fact.
Stone also said that he had no prior knowledge of WikiLeaks' disclosures during the 2016 presidential election.
"There is one trick that's not in my bag — that's treason," Stone said.
But he backtracked when he was asked whether he believed, as his statement implied, that it would be treasonous if the Trump campaign was found to have worked with Russia during the campaign.
"I don't think so, because for it to be a treasonous act, Assange would have to be provably a Russian asset and WikiLeaks would have to be a Russian front, and I do not believe that is the case," Stone replied.


A mysterious professor who told the Trump campaign about 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton has gone off the grid
No one can track down Joseph Mifsud, a professor who reportedly met with George Papadopoulos, a former Trump campaign adviser, during the 2016 US presidential campaign.
Mifsud allegedly told Papadopoulos that Russia had "dirt" on then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
Mifsud's finacé told Buzzfeed News that he cut off communication with her when his name leaked to the press last October.
Mar. 2, 2018

Academic at heart of Clinton 'dirt' claim vanishes, leaving trail of questions
November 10, 2017

Joseph Mifsud: more questions than answers about mystery professor linked to Russia
Court papers paint Mifsud, who has worked at universities in the UK and Italy, as a stealthy operator with deep links to the Kremlin – but he denies wrongdoing
31 )ct 2017

The boss, the boyfriend and the FBI: the Italian woman in the eye of the Trump-Russia inquiry
Simona Mangiante, the girlfriend of ex-Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos, also worked for a mysterious Russia-linked Maltese professor. No wonder Robert Mueller’s investigation came knocking
18 Jan 2018

Case Of The Missing London-Based Professor With Ties To Russia Investigation
December 20, 2017

Professor at center of Russia disclosures claimed to have met with Putin
October 31, 2017


Justice Department religious discrimination lawsuit alleges woman was forced to get flu shot or be fired
A Justice Department lawsuit alleges religious discrimination against an employer's requirement that employees receive flu shots.
The woman allegedly experienced "severe emotional distress" and suffered anxiety and "fear of 'going to Hell.'"
Her request not to get a flu shot was denied because she did not provide a letter from her clergy member.

Feds sue Ozaukee County for requiring nursing home assistant to get flu shot over her religious objections

US DOJ lawsuit alleges Ozaukee County flu shot policy violated ex-nurse's religious beliefs
Feds, Barnell Williams argue Lasata Care Center didn't adequately accommodate employee's Christian convictions


Stormy Daniels sues Trump over alleged affair and 'hush' agreement

Stormy Daniels sues Trump over 'hush agreement'
An adult film actress embroiled in allegations of an affair with Donald Trump has filed a lawsuit against him alleging that a nondisclosure contract she signed is invalid.

Porn actress Stormy Daniels sues to void hush-money deal with Trump


Trump Administration Sues California Over Immigration Laws

Trump sues California over immigration policies


Netanyahu’s showmanship abroad won’t save him at home

Netanyahu at AIPAC: We must stop Iran. We will stop Iran.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a 30 minute speech on the “good, bad and beautiful” in Israel and the region.
Amid controversy at home, Netanyahus receive warm White House welcome [ ]
Netanyahu says he wants coalition to see out term, unsure of viability [ ]


Kushner to visit Mexico after Trump tirades, testy phone call


The U.S.-China Rivalry Is, More Than Ever, a Fight Over Tech

Why Washington Is So Obsessed With China’s Huawei
Policymakers are worried the company could dominate mobile-network technology and eventually threaten Silicon Valley’s preeminence

Republican lawmakers back review of Broadcom's Qualcomm bid


Google's military work reverses one of its oldest values — and it could jeopardize the company's biggest asset
Google confirmed that it has a contract with the Department of Defense involving AI technology and drones, but has declined to go into detail.
Google said the technology is being used for "non-offensive" uses.
Google has long avoided being part of the military industrial complex, to the point where it seems to have been an unofficial company policy.
The news that Google was working with the DoD reportedly upset many of the company's employees.

Eric Schmidt Keynote Address at the Center for a New American Security Artificial Intelligence and Global Security Summit - tie
( , Artificial Intelligence and Global Security Summit 2017 )

Google helps Pentagon analyze military drone footage—employees “outraged”
"Project Maven" applies Google's image recognition tech to drone footage.

Google Employees “Outraged” Their Tech Is Being Used to Build Better Killing Machines
The $760 billion company is involved with a “pilot project” to help the Defense Department develop artificial intelligence for analyzing footage from drones.

Algorithmic Warfare Cross-Functional Team - DoD CIO

Project Maven to Deploy Computer Algorithms to War Zone by Year’s End

Pentagon Drone Program Is Using Google AI
Google executives advise Defense Department on cloud, AI tech
Defense Secretary Mattis visited Google HQ in August

Google Is Helping the Pentagon Build AI for Drones


Source: Michael Cohen was provided inside information about House Intel investigation

Special counsel has examined episodes involving Michael Cohen, Trump’s longtime lawyer


Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen Received Inside Info From Russia Probe
Closed-door testimony before the House Russia probe is supposed to stay behind closed doors. Somehow, it got into the hands of another witness—and key Trump confidant—instead.


Fact-checking President Trump’s trade rhetoric

For all their risks, opioids had no pain-relieving advantage in a yearlong clinical trial

Opioids no better than NSAIDs for chronic back or arthritis pain

Opioids No Better Than Common Painkillers as Overdoses Soar
First long-term study finds no benefit in back pain, arthritis
ER visits for opioid overdoses surge 30%, new CDC data show

Effect of Opioid vs Nonopioid Medications on Pain-Related Function in Patients With Chronic Back Pain or Hip or Knee Osteoarthritis Pain
The SPACE Randomized Clinical Trial

Opioids Don't Beat Other Medications For Chronic Pain

Influential Minnesota study finds that opioids are no better for long-term pain
Minneapolis VA study on chronic pain likely to influence policy across U.S.


23andMe Will Now Test for BRCA Breast-Cancer Genes
It’s the first FDA-authorized genetic-cancer-risk test available without a doctor’s note.

FDA OKs 23andMe home breast cancer DNA test, with warning
People can take this breast cancer test at home, without a prescription

FDA authorizes, with special controls, direct-to-consumer test that reports three mutations in the BRCA breast cancer genes
Test only reports 3 out of more than 1,000 known BRCA mutations and negative result doesn’t rule out increased cancer risk


A Mysterious Anomaly Under Africa Is Radically Weakening Earth's Magnetic Field
This could be precursor to Earth's [magnetic] poles swapping places.

What Ancient African Huts Reveal About Earths Magnetic Flips
Minerals in clays from the Iron Age may help scientists better understand how and why the magnetic poles swap places.

Earth's Flip-Flopping Magnetic Field is Screwing with Satellites Over Africa

Ancient African Artifacts May Solve the Mystery of Earth's Weakening Magnetic Field


Iconic Stellar Ring Much Stranger Than Previously Thought

Hubble finds huge system of dusty material enveloping the young star HR 4796A



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Greensburg, KS - 5/4/07

"Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."
from John Philpot Curran, Speech
upon the Right of Election, 1790


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