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03/30/18 6:06 PM

#326 RE: No-Quarter #325

EOQ yesterday first quarter results for me;

-0.35% 401k

-2.80% HSA

...about the same as the market (see below)

I am hoping (yes I know hoping is a bad strategy) for a move up with the start of a new quarter next week. $USHL and $USHL5 both need to come back above zero.

If I can manage to suffer the market until Monday 9 MAR, I can get out without suffering a Fidelity penalty.

Next week I start with a new strategy; get out when I have any amount of gain, and get back in on dips when the dip is substantial.


Quarterly performance:

• The Dow is down 2.5% over the first quarter, putting an end to a nine-quarter streak of gains, its longest such rally since an 11-quarter rally that ended in the third quarter of 1997.
• The S&P 500 is down 1.2% for the first quarter, and the benchmark index also put an end to a nine-quarter rally. However, that was only the longest such streak since one ending in the first quarter of 2015.