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03/23/18 2:42 PM

#41001 RE: Djdjdjdj #40996

You should ask Conway who "they" are

Now we need some news of who’s buying the debt so we know what business angle they are after. I’ve got my fingers and toes crossed it the data center they are building wanting a BitWhisper mining operation

First off, the terms of a debt buyout are the important thing. For instance, what if the buyout greatly dilutes current shareholders via the issuance of lots of shares of the common stock, or a whole bunch of Convertible Preferred B shares that will convert to common shares at a big discount?

Secondly, what if the "they" in Conway's comment about a datacenter in ND is just a generic term, and those aren't the same people involved with buying the debt or possibly investing in the Playboy resort conversion?

As far as I can tell, the only data center publicly talked about in ND is a $12M center in Fargo, which is being built by Midco (a cable company) as part its $200M infrastructure improvement begun in 2014.

I suspect that if this is Midco that Conway is referring to, they are not the investors buying the debt, and they're only getting in touch with BitWhisper in order to sell storage space in their data center.

I would suggest that someone here on good terms with Conway should post the following question on LIBE's Facebook page:

Who is building a datacenter in ND, and are they related to the investors that LIBE has mentioned?