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03/23/18 1:27 PM

#1608 RE: DewDiligence #1607

The earlier pair of weeks prior had also been "flat", and then we had last weeks large increase.

3 Months ago the total BGS Abbvie scripts were (dec 20) 1220
Last week about 3 months later 2361 (BGS abbvie total)
That's not too shabby

The trend, the TREND looks pretty good to me
The total number of scripts is up in HCV for the year in the USA. (positive for both Gilead and Abbvie)
That trend looks pretty positive to me as well.

Last Abbvie Earnings report sounded pretty positive for the EU.
This next one should also include numbers from Japan
Abbvie reports in about 5 more weeks.
What happened at the last earnings report?

I personally think that the rest of the world offers greater market share than the USA.

The trend in the USA seems to be towards 50% market share for abbvie.

It's essentially a duopoly now.
Who has all the 8 week treatments in genotypes; Gilead or Abbvie?

I'm bullish, but I've been wrong before. : )
I write as the price drops today to -0.73.