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03/22/18 6:14 PM

#7587 RE: joe117 #7586

Joe that is a great question from a newbie. I hope someone more knowledgeable can provide a logical answer.


03/22/18 6:31 PM

#7590 RE: joe117 #7586

just seems like they are the ones benefiting from and not us. Anybody can see what's going on, flippers could care less because they are in and out.I know good things are coming perfect timing but will they poop on us in the end seriously. I didn't lie when I said 25Cent SUMMER but if these guys are this big will they really do that are the prices really attractive to the mane people see we have a interest $$$$$$$$$$ all of us, do they really cares about us Shareholders we will see some people lives are not as easy as others letting others down is WE WILL SEE DSGT $$$$$$$$$.


03/22/18 8:37 PM

#7602 RE: joe117 #7586

FWIW--Here is my take on your question:

In just about every spectrum of finance and corporate governance, company hierarchy and to some extent employees alike, are incentivized via stock options to further their respective companies' bottom line. The more successful the company, usually measured by value tied to their rising stock price, the greater the profit margin each employee makes when they cash in those options. There is literally myriad of reasons why a company would want their stock price elevated, but here are a few more:

Higher stock prices can be leveraged to garner monies in more favorable terms from more reputable financial institutions. Since the derivative can be drawn from the stock price per share and its' market capitalization, it is an easier metric for a bank, venture capital firm, etc.. to invest/lend money to a corporation based solely on stock price.

Many company officer jobs are tied directly to the performance of the stock from quarter to quarter. Many CEO's have been fired because under their leadership the stock price declined or dividends were cut/eliminated, etc..When the fat cats are not making any money, they find a scapegoat and slaughter it.

Other times, corporate officers defer their actual pay until the company becomes profitable, EBITDA positive or close to. The aforementioned is rare, but is akin to betting on yourself, like a free agent professional ball player who declines longer contracts, believing they can make more money by killing it the next year, then command more the following year. As in both examples, this can go wrong. The company may never succeed and goes BK, and the corporate officer went x number of years without just compensation. The athlete can break his leg, go on injured reserve, and he just wasted an important year of his short career.

More importantly as it relates to DSGT: Their is high insider ownership. These people are placing huge wagers on this company and showing EXTREME confidence in their respective ability to deliver. Our interests are aligned here and I have found after 18 years of investing that when that happens I MAKE A LOT OF MONEY. Trust me when I tell you that we are in GREAT hands here. I know these guys past track record, I know where they are headed and I know how close we are to realizing that, (hint APRIL will be a BIG MONTH). They have proven they know what they are doing. This dilution and depressed share price is killing them as much as us. They want this pps up and quickly.

Hope all of that helped,