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03/21/18 5:07 PM

#77939 RE: winner79 #77938

Winnwer, so there is some possibility to merge with other subject DURING the liquidation with using the NOLs ?
Today is very hard day for me,
thank You,


03/21/18 5:21 PM

#77941 RE: winner79 #77938

"Joe, you posted several times that LBHI NOLs will be wiped out because LBHI will completely liquidate their Assets. You are wrong my friend. LBHI is not a moron to waste billions of NOLs. Are you not aware that there is a provision in the POR that LBHI can emerge as a new company?"

Doesn't...POR stand for 'Plan Of ....REORGANIZATION'?

It's NOT POL, Plan of Liquidation.

Plus, from Joe Stocks post # 77928:
"On September 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy. With $639 billion in assets and $619 billion in debt"

Is that the estimated value of the assets ...AT THAT TIME?

MOST Asset values have INCREASED SIGNIFICANTLY since then.

Joe Stocks

03/21/18 5:47 PM

#77944 RE: winner79 #77938

>>Are you not aware that there is a provision in the POR that LBHI can emerge as a new company?<<

If so, then I am sure that you will copy and paste that provision here so all will know that you are correct.

There was talk prior to exiting to have such an entity (LAMCO), but the creditor's committee shot it down.

I look forward to your reply with that provision shown.


03/21/18 8:07 PM

#77950 RE: winner79 #77938

Winner, great post. Most are thinking along those lines.

All except one, the guy your replying to.