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03/20/18 11:15 AM

#159 RE: Alpine600 #158

You're sitting right on my own sentiment despite the fact that I'm probably witness to legal theft in a somewhat bittersweet way. I say bittersweet because I can't deny I gloat each time I sell some Delek shares. I'm certainly not hurting the company when doing so, but it eases my conscience somewhat, knowing that I haven't lost control over everything going on where ALDW-related interests are ciphered. I've done very well with DK shares. But I cannot ignore the fact that I do well often enough in the stock market without having to suffer indignities along the way...indignities such as DK's denial of our claims to unpaid (as yet) distributions which DK is apparently sneaking into the company's back pocket and pretending to have done nothing tempting scrutiny.