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03/19/18 11:08 AM

#162845 RE: survivor1x #162842

Perhaps, the trouble is similar statements have been made for a long time. Let's hope for everybody's sake mostly patient's


03/19/18 11:14 AM

#162848 RE: survivor1x #162842

Markets don't care no volume again 77 trades.


03/19/18 11:51 AM

#162859 RE: survivor1x #162842

Dude is a pumper with a ton of shares and a platform to spew pumping tweets everyday. He has never been right and does this to protect and pump up his investment. And all his twitter buddies like and comment like he is in the know. His antics got old real quick and it’s sad people give his claims any validity. I’m sure Scott Gottleib feels the same way!