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03/18/18 4:30 PM

#92351 RE: CEOs #92350

Parts of the "road" exist as two-track - anyone with access to mapping/GIS tools, or who's visited the site can clearly see that.

The site plan for MMEX is public in a number of places, and also shows clearly the path the "road" takes, within a 60-foot wide easement, a 28-foot wide "road" to nowhere (excuse me, to MMEX's fabled flagpole). Desperate times for MMEX proponents though, as they see more shareholder money (wrung from their backs, via dilution from MMEX's toxic lending) being squandered to build a "road" that serves no purpose.


03/18/18 9:37 PM

#92379 RE: CEOs #92350

Jack is hoping to build a new road to the ongoing MMEX share printing press!

MMEX is to easy to expose.