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03/18/18 2:31 PM

#20848 RE: ChrisJP #20847

Duly noted...


03/18/18 2:37 PM

#20849 RE: ChrisJP #20847

Hey Chris-

I posted this to Peg before

The only real danger for him losing the gov't paid pension is if he is indicted and convicted of some crime. Most federal retirees are even fearful of getting caught jaywalking as it seems OPM looks for any excuse to pull someone's pension and criminal convictions are a biggie on their list. I was surprised when Lois Lerner got hers after being held in contempt of congress. Stranger things have happened.


03/18/18 3:53 PM

#20851 RE: ChrisJP #20847


Doesn't it seem even a little strange that many peoples that have been involved with the Clintons in some way have bad things happen to them? McCabe being the latest. Maybe he got off luckier than those that are suicided or Arkancided.