The trading here sucks for the past 3 years, worst traded stock in history of my books. Yeah fine go ahead and dilute but y the hell they dont let it go over .0001s. Are note holders that in a hurry to get out and collect their $ as fast as they can. And from.cresent contruction yeah they reported 10 mil rev but hate to say it that they only netted 30k.
Next step is a RS of 1:100 bringing the OS to 150 mil from 15 bil, .01pps post split , current shareholders wiped.
Increase the AS to 20 bil and keep diluting this bloated pig.
This stock deff had potential to run, we even have crazy volume days but for some reason this S*** cant pass .0001.
This is the same scenario being played for 3 years and its seems to be working for IhsI, at the end we shareholders are paying their debt while the OS bloats up. Our company percentage are total worthless after the report of 13 bil OS
It will be a miracle in penny stock.history if this company passes .0002s. Hate to say it but i dont see a bright light ahead foe the current shareholders. Hope i am wrong.