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03/11/18 9:32 PM

#6353 RE: SMT1 #6352

There is a private metals company buying the shell of the company. Mphase has until the end of March to produce audited financials so the deal can go through.

This month Mphase restructured its debt as part of the deal. If anyone understands a reverse merger, this is a really good sign.

The new company trades non steel metals on the open market. The company purchasing Mphase is the American branch of a very large private company. By mid year 2018, this branch plans on buying out the main company to make the entire company a public company.

The worst part of owning shares is a reverse split that will take place. Expect a run up in price right before the split. The price should remain high for about 3 weeks before the stock price drops - shorters that prey on stocks after reverse splits. I am still thinking that today's price is a tiny fraction of what we will see after the dip. Still, expect a dip.

Then we should get a pr about buying the main branch of the company and the stock price should do very well.

You asked about the battery technology? It will be a subsidiary of the new company. If it fails, they eliminate it. If the company can make a go of things, it will better our bottom line.