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Penny Masters

03/10/18 6:57 PM

#81105 RE: ChiefZ #81104

100% agree WDRP is garbage. They have zero to invest in. When the numbers come out end of the month (if they release them) it will be a blood bath if not before.

Slapping a label on another company's beer in a attempt to sell shares with fluff PR's. Wait till they come out as all will be here to show the fluff forward only news and nothing with teeth.

Here is a idea of the fluff PR's coming next 2 months. Beer sales are doing well, we shipped to many outlets that are selling the beer, many are sold out of the 6 pack we sent them, we are finding more and more every week that want SIPP beer that has out label on it. LOL You cannot make this stuff up.

Wait till we see the paid promos that are "coming soon"and you will have many new posters here explaining what this really is.

They never have real numbers to show or anything that says anything that had real success. Hmmmm