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Executive Order

03/08/18 10:42 PM

#133156 RE: jackg152004 #133147

Yeah flipping shares is probably
the last thing anyone should do
just before HUGE NEWS!

And for those that do, chances
are you will have to chase and
pay more for them. The MMs know
these shares are like GOLD in
their hands as evidenced earlier
today when someone said they
put in a bid to buy and the MMs
jumped over them and bid higher
to get more?

rhetorical question here:

What does THAT tell you?!?

Man oh man, are shares going to
become scarcer then hen's teeth
around here VERY VERY SOON! IMO




03/09/18 8:55 AM

#133240 RE: jackg152004 #133147

Agree. It's not worth taking a chance missing out on maximizing your potential of acquiring cheaper shares at this point. It's possible we see the Ticker/Name change come back from FINRA next week depending on when Mike submitted the paperwork (I've seen it take as little as a week to as much as 4 weeks). Normally, I wouldn't say that is going to make this pop, but I honestly believe the contract news is being held up until after then. Couple that with the fact the Ticker/Name change is another step completed in this process and is indicative of how serious ANDI/UTOP is. Having said all that, I think we are starting to get to a point where it's not worth taking a chance to miss out on getting some cheap shares. GLTA.