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03/08/18 7:20 PM

#163000 RE: Peddler22 #162997

I agree with you. Just cause the audit wasn’t filed doesn’t mean it’s not happening. He has kept his word however I think he was a little too enthusiastic about some things and made commitments that were impossible to keep on the timelines he said. Doesn’t mean it’s not getting done, just gonna take a little longer. I was hoping for $.05 by the beginning of the year but if $.05 happens by summer then I’ll be happy. It’s gonna happen just a little more time and patience.


03/08/18 7:35 PM

#163003 RE: Peddler22 #162997

ZERO REVENUE..NO REAL MANUFACTURING FACILITY,3 signed contracts with under 100 units delivered combined..and ZERO SALES SO FAR... sure seems like a recipe for huge revenue! NOT!.. LOL