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03/08/18 1:16 PM

#161563 RE: Virgilio #161556

Because that also addressed expectations that the data would be unblinded in the very near term. They were revealing that it was their plan to publish the blinded data before they would reveal anything about the unblinded top line data. They could have been a lot more clear but then maybe they were not sure of which way the would go, or maybe wanted to retain the maximum flexibility. And as usual we're evaluating them in hindsight and we can never be sure if they are trying to release the minimum possible info; if they were simply unsure; if they had a clue about the actual timing or not. Basically, it's always impossible to know for sure if they were being reasonably informative given what they knew or being either evasive and/or just being super pathetic communicators and/or all of the above.


03/08/18 1:22 PM

#161564 RE: Virgilio #161556

Linda Powers explained at the ASM they can't talk about anything in a journal article that is being submitted, lest the journal reject it. I've become accustomed, but not fond of, their writing that almost always allows at least two interpretations, but I would agree that once they were in the process of submitting, they needed to be quiet until it came out. Prior to that, as Les pointed out at the ASM, on June 5, 2017, at least Dr. Bosch gave us the enrollment curve and an overall survival update.

Sentiment sniffed out all these journal embargo issues far earlier than me. We also needed people with either good knowledge of publication timing in their experience, and or additional people that due diligenced it, and of course each individual's own due diligence. Eventually all these things happened. I believe Jimmy James might have started the cold shower on the board when he pointed out the wait we might be in store for.

I think the problem was, NWBO kept making it seem (intentionally or not) like maybe the article was about to be published because they had all these intervening appearances and then pulled out at the last minute. Remember the Florida one? It looked like the whole team was going. Or Dr. Boynton in San Diego? Last minute pullout there as well. Of course it started with the London pullout, but that one made more sense. It was the ones that kept being announced then withdrawn from at the last minute that kept making it seem the publication was about to be released.

Jeez, remember the Seattle conference recently? They were going to discuss Autologous vaccines, and at the last minute, the speaker, an investigator on the trial, changed his topic literally minutes before giving an alternate presentation.

Intentional or not, these little moments have their impact on everyone's psyche. Now we have UCLA moving their very patient oriented brain cancer presentations for the public two months out to the middle of May. Every bone in my body says they expect the publication before then, and delayed the public meetings apparently so that they can give patients more informed answers at the presentations. Remember when Senti went to a presentation a year ago and talked about Dr. Cloughesy not being being able to give precise answers about when the combination trial might start? I suspect they'd rather go with more available answers about DCVax-L by the middle of May, and thus why they moved it.


03/08/18 1:58 PM

#161571 RE: Virgilio #161556

Glad the warrant holders aren't selling now. Wouldn't mind picking up more shares but I'd rather the price not drop anymore.


03/09/18 3:33 AM

#161691 RE: Virgilio #161556

The problem is that even if a few warrant holders would want to convert and cash their warrants, since the volume is so low, IMO the stock price would plummet even on modest sales if there won't be reasons for a buying pressure in the meanwhile.

Warrant holders are not converting and after that selling for only one simple reason and that there are no more shares left to buy.. it has got nothing to do with some kind of bullish sign as some are saying. which is by the way also the reason why the warrant period has recently been extended