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03/07/18 12:13 PM

#155363 RE: FullDeck #155354

Very well said and broken down succinctly. Thank you FullDeck.
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03/07/18 12:17 PM

#155364 RE: FullDeck #155354

Absolutely absurd are your statements and assumptions...
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03/07/18 12:21 PM

#155369 RE: FullDeck #155354

Excellent work. Deserves a sticky!
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03/07/18 12:35 PM

#155380 RE: FullDeck #155354

Thanks for posting - as usual Celluci didn't name the company that awarded the $190,000 contract.
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03/07/18 1:21 PM

#155398 RE: FullDeck #155354

It’s amazing how deep this level of fraud is. Absolutely incredible when you lay it all out on the table and serve it this fresh.
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03/07/18 8:33 PM

#155444 RE: FullDeck #155354

Staggering DD. Just staggering. Thanks for putting that together. Expose this filthy scam for what it is....all orchestrated by Tommy Boy.
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Bionic Man

03/07/18 8:49 PM

#155446 RE: FullDeck #155354

This was one of the biggest conspiracy theories I’ve ever read. It would make more of a fiction novel. Best of luck convincing anyone of this.
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03/07/18 9:25 PM

#155450 RE: FullDeck #155354

Meanwhile, the IEVOLV website has disappeared...

At least this bogus company used to have a semblance of a website (a minimalist 5-pager template job)... but now even THAT is gone.

OH, NO! How will they ever guarantee the $200k loan to "DP Telecom"? ;-)

Wotta scam, wotta joke...

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03/08/18 6:23 AM

#155469 RE: FullDeck #155354

Great DD! but where is the end for these scammers stealing money. This crooks stealing for many years now and no consequences no SEC nothing.

Guess what he is going to resign as CEO and live rest of his retired life with millions stolen money in bank.

So glad I was out before that 1:7000 RS last year and never touch this scam.

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03/12/18 9:49 AM

#156005 RE: FullDeck #155354

Reverse Mergers and Money-Laundering

For anyone with a significant stake in BVTK, here's how reverse mergers often, not always, involve money laundering.

DarkPulse's O'Leary's recent DISCLOSURE of a supposed Non-DISCLOSURE Agreement to Reverse Merger with a public company raises some red flags here.

So just in case you believe O'Leary will actually do this with IHSI, you should be aware that the existing public company's shares (IHSI's) are usually reverse-split into being virtually worthless.

And with all of IHSI's debt and even Federal IRS tax liens against them, shareholders would almost certainly be wiped out.

Personally, I don't believe O'Leary has any intention of doing an RM with IHSI, nor do I believe DarkPulse is even a real legit business with real revenues (much less profits).

I believe BVTK just saw the negative exposure getting too hot, and they needed another shiny thing to divert attention from their real lack of substance and their shady activities.

And it's working... the bait has been taken.

But for any who care about the truth, the full article should be read, as money laundering takes many forms.

From the "Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists":

Here's the part involving reverse mergers, from ACAMS:

I personally suspect the laundering is being done via the toxic lenders, many of whom have clients with "questionable" funds they need to clean up.

BVTK, on its face, looks clean. Cellucci doesn't need to dirty his hands dealing with any KNOWN illicit funds, just accept toxic loans from "accredited" lenders, thus distancing himself from the dirty money.

"Hey, I just run a legit cyber-security company! We need a loan, we get a loan!"

Shades of Tony Soprano and the waste management business.

Meanwhile, the lenders convert loans to shares, the "pump" beats the drums, the converted shares get sold and the original "financiers" get scrubbed money back, minus a cut.

From YOU, the duped investor who bought your shares on the hype.

All the SAAs, the MAPs, the JVs... it's all the ABCs of PUMP.

The lenders get out, their clients get paid scrubbed money, and you're left wondering what happened.

But the PUMP is leaking bad when they resort to potential flimsy "Disclosed Non-Disclosure Agreements."

I think it's late in the game and the PUMP has almost run its course.

All just my HUMBLE opinion, of course. ;-)

Eyes open, all.

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03/21/18 9:22 AM

#157259 RE: FullDeck #155354

The toxic lenders can continue to launder...

their clients' dirty dollars... even below .0014s.

And shareholders continue to be diluted in this "no-address" non-business scam.

After all, there are BILLIONS of Outstanding Shares...


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03/24/18 3:39 PM

#157868 RE: FullDeck #155354

WOW! what a DD.. hats off to you! This is a serious scam run by crooks to steal money. I was shareholders back then and realized this scam sold and gone before last RS. So glad I did that.

Where is SEC FINRA any regulatory body with eyes open????

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03/24/18 4:48 PM

#157870 RE: FullDeck #155354

You don’t KNOW any of what your declaring. All of this is conjecture on your part...IMHO
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04/10/18 8:21 PM

#160360 RE: FullDeck #155354

Really dude...

if you are going to be a money launderer you should not leave such a wide open paper trail with so many filings to the federal gov't
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04/13/18 10:00 AM

#160726 RE: FullDeck #155354

The Honorable Doctor Lord Admiral "PoopYourPants" Cellucci,


...has learned he can't even name his "associated companies" anymore... his lies are becoming too transparent (see replied to post).

So now, we get...

Bravatek to deliver needed critical infrastructure security application software for critical infrastructure space
Austin, TX -- April 12, 2018 -- InvestorsHub NewsWire -- Bravatek Solutions, Inc. (OTCPink: BVTK, "Bravatek," or the "Company") announces that it has received its first order in the amount of $121,500.00 for a major software project in the critical infrastructure security space. The customer name cannot be released due to their confidentiality request at this time.

"Hey, he says it's an "order", so I guess we gotta listen to him... but I'd swear he just pulled it out of his ass!!!"