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07/05/01 1:49 PM

#1843 RE: Paule #1820

There's a group of folks that deal with this very thing. Called The Committee For Popular Culture. There Web Address is Cool stuff. David Horrowitz is the dierctor. He used to be a major radical in the 60's. Was the Editor for Ramparts Magazine (Black Panther Party) and taught language arts at Berkely. He's a fine author some of his more recent works include "Deconstructing the Left" and "Hating Whitey and Other Progressive Causes". Tavis Smiley interviewed him on BET and he asked David what his two balck granddaughters were going to think of him when they got a little older and read his book. David responded by saying that "I'm not going to send them to Harvard so I won't have to worry about it." <G> SH