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02/28/18 6:23 PM

#32253 RE: nonewname1 #32250

Great question.

It would have to be a "named" user. Most SaaS companies won't do concurrent users. Most non SaaS companies no longer do concurrent user. Doesn't work for the software company from a revenue standpoint espeically when selling to global companies that are on different time zones that would only need to buy 1/2 the license or a 1/3. If you do find a company doing concurrency, the volume of users would be baked into the price point. So if nFuse did concurrent (which they don't), it would be more like $10,000/yr per concurrent user or some high number like that. Also wouldn't work with NotifiID.

So if you want to sign 1000 people up at your company and give this the capability to create videos, have a NotifiID, etc., that would be 1000 x $10 x 12 = $120K/year.