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02/27/18 2:36 PM

#160100 RE: TC_Trader #160097

By the time there is a judgement here, they'll either be rolling in $$$'s or bankrupt. I wouldn't worry about them selling preferred to cover this bill.


02/27/18 2:37 PM

#160101 RE: TC_Trader #160097

OK. Got it. That converts to about (435k shares x 2) x 10 for common share equivalency. 8.7 million shares if it were resolved today via a third party investor.

Or if it is resolved later, PPS could be considerably higher, financing easier, and could be cost of doing business.

When the publication hopefully appears, it might allow the first true public financing in many years?

I just get the sense Stout's patience was more strategic than anything else. Silver lining to another debt?