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02/27/18 1:37 PM

#142617 RE: Biostockclub #142611

Tontine? how does one drink a financial scheme?

LEt's hope AVXL turns around fast and we dont end up with all of us dead and only one person making money, like a tontine.

Do like your civil war drama, but right now shareholders are getting shelled and slaughtered like the Union at Bull Run.

"Question: in your opinion, was the Pickett’s Charge catastrophe a strategic blunder on Lee’s part or poorly executed by Longstreet?"

History makes it clear. Lee blundered big...and admitted it himself to his troops. Longstreet tried to talk him out of it, said it would be like the Union at Bull Run.

Admire Lee to owning up to it. Admire Longstreet for owning up to the entire war being a mistake afterwards.

Admire Grant for his perseverance and singular genius in figuring out how to pick the lock at Vicksburg. No USA without US Grant.

Now let's hope Missling can figure out a way to get the trials going and break this bloody deadlock with shortseller fire pouring down on us.
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02/27/18 1:45 PM

#142620 RE: Biostockclub #142611

Bios, on this point.[quote Perhaps, the way BP has stuck to the Beta Amyloid theory and failed to get better strategic positioning at an earlier stage in this game ][/quote]

Academia points out and I have observed first hand many times that top heavy/engineering/technical organizations tend to be silos. Once the path is set and the structure is established the outside world influence is very heavily filtered by the structure. The people on the inside do not run off with new ideas on alternatives, if they want their jobs. This can be a brutal process for newbies, particularly true when auf Deutsch.

Can you imagine a scientist in and AVXL research meeting suggesting they give the plaque thing a try? The courage shown by M. when he declared Homeostasis to be their strategic choice kinda sealed the envelope on that one. Now, all we have to do is prove it. The other good news is, no one else has even brought it up. Yet.