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02/27/18 7:23 AM

#1837 RE: Xrouter #1836

good question, the upcoming PIC in April may be the next catalyst because Dr Ring is speaking as part of a panel discussion,

Will transceivers ever achieve super high volumes to allow scalability in cost and performance, and if so, what would be the common large volume platforms, and more specifically, what would be the transceiver format/form factor. Will these volumes be in the 50m or 100m or 200m level? What percentage of transceivers in a decade will contain PICs, and if so where would you expect to see a PIC being used in a transceiver. Will PICs in transceivers will be three chip, two chip, or one chip (OEIC) solutions? Lastly, will transceivers ever go away or evolve to new designs, especially with COBO and other non-pluggble innovations?

William Ring - POET Technologies

Peter Winzer - Nokia Bell Labs

Drew Nelson - IQE

Philip Gadd - Intel

As far as the rally goes, the next few days will be interesting, yesterday the volume on ptk.v fell below 1 mil for first time in many days

I would have preferred if yesterday poetf quickly sold down to .35 on bigger volume and then proceeded to recover to the same closing point of .41, which would have been a better set up for a rally continuation today, instead the tight range on decreased volume leaves me concerned that the drop today may be larger, perhaps to .30, and if it comes on larger volume will it lose its footing and fall even further before rallying again?

tough call, guess we'll see what happens today, I still think the news flow is real, so I'll be buying the dips, and of course holding a core