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02/24/18 4:09 PM

#32644 RE: toomorrow #32638

I'm not worried about St.George screwing over SIGO at all.

In fact, I presume St. George might even start rooting for SIGO to succeed and for their stock price to go up greatly. For example, say SIGO does use most of that $4M loan but they end up paying back say $3M in cash with their increased revenues. Its a win-win for both sides.

SIGO wins because they increase their grow space to around 50,000 ft2 and increase their revenues by about 400% from what it is now. By then, SIGO share price might be up to the $10-20/share that has been projected here. Well guess what? St. George wins also. They get whatever number of SIGO shares they can for $1.70 per share and then sell at even just $6.80 per share for a cool 300% gain. Not bad!