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02/24/18 2:24 PM

#1293 RE: Welcome2Pinkyland #1292

LYN, Panzer allied forces had no takers of 1M shares at .0125.

They will be back on Monday to clear out any sellers.

And you know what that means...

This is the closest SPL* I've sighted in a long time and it's coiled even better.

Battle notes:
-No debt on new balance sheet.
-No toxic note holders.
-38M float (awesome).
-Panzer & Friends buying up remaining shares every day.

*Panzer also notes from battlefield that MMs do not have many shares. This is confirmed by Panzer recon forces smacking ask for 100000s of shares at .013-.0140 and it not moving to keep frenzy from starting.

Soon, frenzy is inevitable and DFCO will fly on thin air to .10 and beyond.

I will say with confidence Panzer and Friends holding trenches and not selling until .10+ because DFCO shares held so tightly for ultimate mega BOOM.