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02/24/18 7:45 AM

#123873 RE: doc063 #123872

There are approved branded drugs that received FDA blessings with data supporting a single digit efficacy success percentage. BIEL’s disruptive technology number of 77% is miraculous and is what caught the attention of FDA executives who opined, “we know something is going on, but we don’t know what it is, we don’t have the talent in-House to determine that and we’re going to hire people who can help us.”

One may recall FDA did just that and after millions in man-hours, advised BIEL that it’s phenomenon was NOT a thermal device using heat to deliver the pain management, it was even better; it is non-thermal! BIEL altered its submissions, FDA changed its nomenclature from PEMF to the new SWT - Short Wave Therapy and BIEL had lift-off. The elapsed time in actual FDA Days, and we all know how they are calculated fairly, has not been that great, compared to the average. Proof of this is found in the calculation of non-FDA Days since FDA requested a small ActiPpatch back trial be conducted. Ergo non-FDA Days since and until the moment BIEL’s submission is endorsed as complete, which will be contained in a letter dated usually 2 weeks post-submission.

All notwithstanding that FDA, in my opinion, should have issued back and general OTC Clearance a year ago when it cleared ActiPatch for Plantar Fasciitis and Knee joint pain, because all dem bones is connected to all dem bones. Astounding disconnect of science, common sense and logic, which is why the UK NHS - the British National Health System is launching its universal healthcare insurance coverage of ActPatch for patients suffering from chronic and acute pain who submit an Rx to the pharmacy!

Let’s see how that, the UK Physician sees patient, prescribed pain drugs that mask the pain with lots of harmful side-effects, patient loses, NHS pays, Doc gets paid, Pharmacy gets paid.

BIEL model......Same Physician, sees same patient, same chronic pain, prescribes ActiPatch that causes pain cessation and healing at the cellular level, with zero harmful side-effects, patient wins, NHS pays a fraction of the previous drug costs, saving BRITISH TAXPAYERS HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF POUNDS STERLING SYSTEM WIDE ANNUALLY, Doc gets paid, Pharmacy gets paid, Big Pharma, nah, BIEL. Yup. And guess who makes serious cheddar......because NHS will be telling Docs and Pharmacists what products they will be paying for to treat certain indications and what they won’t be covering.....yup, they do that too. “We like the ActiPatch treatment, but the old way? Nah, not so much, you can pay for those nasty drugs out of your own pocket, at 4 Times the price or you can have our national insurance cover your ActiPatch!@

And that’s exactly how the generic drug industry kicked Big Pharma’s you know what for Billions of dollars, by copying Big Pharma’s drugs, with all the same harmful side-effects, the moment the Bug Pharma patents expired CHEAPER COPIES! And now, it’s a new day. Look at BIEL’s ActPatch like the next generation of pain management, not like a branded Big Pharma drug, not like a substitute generic drug copy, but as a new technology delivering huge efficacy numbers with no side-effects and at huge savings to the British government healthcare system - the people....and now we know know when


02/24/18 8:37 AM

#123877 RE: doc063 #123872

There are approved branded drugs that received FDA blessings with data supporting a single digit efficacy success percentage. BIEL’s disruptive technology number of 77% is miraculous and is what caught the attention of FDA executives who opined, “we know something is going on, but we don’t know what it is, we don’t have the talent in-House to determine that and we’re going to hire people who can help us.”

One may recall FDA did just that and after millions in man-hours, advised BIEL that it’s phenomenon was NOT a thermal device using heat to deliver the pain management, it was even better; it is non-thermal! BIEL altered its submissions, FDA changed its nomenclature from PEMF to the new SWT - Short Wave Therapy and BIEL had lift-off. The elapsed time in actual FDA Days, and we all know how they are calculated fairly, has not been that great, compared to the average. Proof of this is found in the calculation of non-FDA Days since FDA requested a small ActiPatch back trial be conducted months ago - all essentially non-FDA Days. Ergo, non-FDA Days since and until the moment BIEL’s submission is endorsed as complete, which will be contained in a letter dated usually 2 weeks post-submission. Then the FDA Days clock will start and it should be soon because of how this has evolved - FDA asked for back trial data to support another OTC clearance and they’re going to get it.......

All notwithstanding that FDA, in my opinion, should have issued back and general OTC Clearance a year ago when it cleared ActiPatch for Plantar Fasciitis and Knee joint pain, because all dem bones is connected to all dem bones. Astounding disconnect of science, common sense and logic, which is why the UK NHS - the British National Health System, who got the science, logic and common sense, when British Healthcare cleared ActiPatch for OTC Sales a few years ago (now sold OTC in >3,000 stores) is launching its universal healthcare insurance coverage of ActPatch for patients suffering from chronic and acute pain who submit an Rx to the pharmacy,scheduled for April 1, 5 WEEKS FROM NOW!

Let’s see how that, the UK Physician sees patient, prescribes pain drugs, that mask the pain with lots of harmful side-effects, patient loses, NHS pays, Doc gets paid, Pharmacy gets paid. Repeat......

The BIEL model......Same Physician, sees the same patient, same chronic pain, prescribes ActiPatch that causes pain cessation and stimulates healing at the cellular level, with zero harmful side-effects. This time, patient wins, NHS pays a fraction of the previous drug costs, saving BRITISH TAXPAYERS HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF POUNDS STERLING, SYSTEM WIDE, ANNUALLY, Doc gets paid, Pharmacy gets paid. Big Pharma, not anymore, BIEL, yup. And guess who makes serious cheddar......because NHS will be telling Docs and Pharmacists what products they will be paying for to treat certain indications and what they won’t be covering so much anymore.....yup, they do that too. “We like the ActiPatch treatment, but the old, expensive, harmful, drug way? Nah, not so much, you can pay for those nasty drugs out of your own pocket, at 4 times the price or you can have our national insurance cover your ActiPatch!

And that’s exactly how the generic drug industry kicks Big Pharma’s you know what for Billions of dollars every year, by copying Big Pharma’s drugs, with all the same harmful side-effects, the moment the Big Pharma patents expire - CHEAPER COPIES!

And now, it’s a new day. Look at BIEL’s ActPatch like the next generation of innovative pain management, not like a branded Big Pharma drug, not like a substitute generic drug copy, but as a new technology delivering huge efficacy numbers, with no side-effects, and at huge savings to the British government healthcare system - the people....and now we know know when. Nice....