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02/22/18 5:35 PM

#11744 RE: Man6677 #11743

"You can‘t do something to wrong here wink

Sure you can - I just posted that Aurora had great prospects and mentioned another cannabis stock in the same Canadian group and pooooof it was deleted !

Totally ridiculous , petty and small minded !!!!!!


02/23/18 1:27 AM

#11749 RE: Man6677 #11743

Moves to legalise cannabis in the German parliament yesterday:ücel-top-marathon-debate-day-in-bundestag/a-42704715

Decriminalizing cannabis

What was proposed:
The Greens presented a bill that would no longer make private cannabis use a crime and instead open a strictly controlled and regulated market for marijuana. The FDP proposed a "cannabis model project" to test private legal marijuana consumption, saying that "repressing" cannabis use has failed. The Left party also put forth a proposal calling for the government to allow the private use of cannabis and to change laws making its consumption illegal.

What MPs said:
Although Germany legalized medical cannabis in 2017, any moves to fully decriminalize it remain controversial. The SPD was open to the proposals and draft law, but the CDU/CSU as well as the AfD strongly opposed them. AfD MPs argued that they believe cannabis is a gateway drug to stronger substances.