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02/22/18 11:54 AM

#47818 RE: Nobodys Fool #47807

From looking at his linkedin, his 5 year career is pretty limited to various sales positions.

Listen, I'm not trying to manufacture FUD here, but there's a lot of questions that remain unverifiable. As I've stated before, I definitely have a horse in this race and I'm not looking to jump ship. I'm just being as objective as I can no longer considering the hear-say of others (which one could argue should never be done to begin with). I just have the time to actually look at these things now and I've not yet seen anything of substance nor have I received a single follow up call or email from any of the parties I have attempted to contact over the last several months.

I sure hope they do something, anything really.. any sign of life.. but it's getting a little long in the tooth. If the CE were resolved, I'd singing a different tune. If all of the information required to satisfy removal of CE has been submitted, which I believe to be the case as esq familiar to OTCM has sent the last letter (he should know better from previous experience). Then starting the counter from the last letter, the 30 days will be over 3/6. To me, that means they have a little less than 2 weeks to make something happen.

At this point I am not taking the word of the son/brother/uncle/step-father of the CEO least of which is not identified as an agent or employee of the company I've invested in.