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02/20/18 1:31 PM

#141836 RE: Investor2014 #141831

There is a financial symbiosis going on between the food and drug industry, is it incidental or deliberate? Interestingly a government organisation like the FDA sits right in the middle of this swamp.

Have to agree this is one of the areas in US regulatory-business culture that needs an assessment of some kind. The well known practice in Japan of asking "WHY" 5 times can be very effective at getting to root cause. Something here does not add up for me.


02/20/18 2:31 PM

#141853 RE: Investor2014 #141831

As a Chiropractor it is a common and loud drum beat to believe a conspiracy(reality) is alive and well to profit off of people's sickness. We all know the health care industry can do better by focusing more on health than sickness. However, I believe the gut-brain axis has suprised all those involved in the profiteering as a real contributor to many diseases that plague society. Just think of all the antibiotics given each year from infants to seniors and how that destroys the gut health and on top of that add the lab induced diets that we consume. It's only recently that medical researchers discovered/agreed that the gut represents 70% of our immune system. The gut flora is being destroyed. The mucosal lining is being destroyed. The 70% of our immune system is attacking our own bodies and causing auto-immune diseases that we only thought of as genetic. Today some in the medical field are reinserting into one's own colon healthy feces that contain the proper familia gut flora to reverse auto-immune GI diseases. Whether a deliberate attempt to keep us sick or not, I do not know, but the times are changing. Hopefully we are better off for it! Long and Strong!