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02/20/18 11:42 AM

#59597 RE: atpsylee #59590

I agree... there is only upside potential at this point... especially if the spin off company has made material moves with the contacts/clients acquired from mydx activities.


02/20/18 12:49 PM

#59605 RE: atpsylee #59590

Successful companies have almost identical recipes for release products, its the failing ones that try to do it different, they are sometimes spit-balling to see what works, as opposed to following the wheel that works.

Patience? Seasoned investors know that consumer data shows that consumers don't have patience, they actually want products now/instantly, which is why Amazon is extremely successful with its 1 hour and 2 hour delivery, doesn't that tell you anything? so imagine, in a world where I can get things within two hours after ordering, that if I want a smart pen, I have to wait 2,880 hours (1/3 of a year) minimum before receiving (it will be more than that accounting for shipping time). Maybe we should know the subject matter before we post next.

Anyone want to take a guess on what the typical time frame for offering a pre-order by successful companies is (based on consumer data)? And why didn't MYDX utilize this data? Anyone want to take a stab at when the bulk of sales takes place during a pre-order?

Just imagine the potential orders for a product ship after 120 days. My guess is a few baker dozens, mostly by shareholders wanting to get their hands on the product. Not only that, but a product that is coming from a company that is experiencing declining sales from its core product.

If Apple were to offer a smart pen for preorder, I expect there would be 100-1000 times more orders than MYDX, why? Execution, 15-day ship, credibility. The SP would increase significantly as a result.

Hard to believe a company is successful when a company has declining sales, broken promises of other products, botched release of a 2nd product (120 days, are they going to prove consumer data wrong?), botched hirings, botched partnerships, botched execution all around.

If I lend someone money, and they tell me they will pay me back in a month with interest, but, they end up paying me back after a year (money is now worth less due to inflation), and they don't pay the interest agreed upon, then 4 months later they ask for another loan, what data do I have to support giving another loan? In fact, I would be considered by many a fool to loan again (oh, wait, that's what banks do also, interesting concept). However, many posters on here are very quick to say "although you had all these botched promises and declining sales, "yes, I believe you this time MYDX, this year you will clean everything up, fix all the problems, deliver when you say you will, this year you will do what you said you would do". Seasoned investors want to first see some loans paid as stated, on-time with interest, before loaning our money to MYDX.