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02/20/18 5:30 AM

#510155 RE: JusticeWillWin #510153

If he is correct, if it's true, and we have no other mergers or new merger news between now and the time the NSM merger closes (late part of 2018), then we should logically expect WMIH pps to follow the same pattern followed in the long development vacuum after the KKR merger. We could return to $.65.

Bottom line, hopefully he's wrong....


02/20/18 9:31 AM

#510167 RE: JusticeWillWin #510153

An LLC\Corp is allowed for a single transaction (acquisition/purchase) or multiple transactions and any given time only not to monopolized the industry.

The only problem is that they can not say they are in a merger to up the pps and claim the deal fell through while spending millions.