Steve - the company has no money, at least based on the last released financial statements, and that's a fact. The only solution for that is sales - and lots of sales.
It's not difficult to understand the current PPS. The company has never turned a profit - ever. The bloated share structure, years of dilution, and the fact there remain share holders from previous toxic financing who can dump additional shares at some future date(s) are all negatives, which contribute to holding share value down even on good news.
No PR or announcement, IMO, will provide any appreciable and maintainable increase in the PPS. Sales numbers, and a move to profitability, are the only things which will create a positive, sustainable uptick.
I also believe share structure will have to be addressed to generate real value to shareholders.
I think Keith is best left to build sales and marketing, as his success is critical to the company's success and a growth in shareholder value.