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02/17/18 6:30 PM

#509653 RE: CBA09 #509631

It did thanks!


02/25/18 8:15 PM

#511011 RE: CBA09 #509631

Based on the purpose of Safe Harbor (*SH) protections, assets would be shielded from the Debtor, the FDIC, Creditors and any purchaser of the failed bank/entity.

With the Debtors estate owing <$50M to Creditors (PIERS) and with the recent Globic Settlement, there seems to be only one remaining impediment.

That, IMO, is the FDIC's WMB Receivership that still owes claimants about $15B, which puts any WAMU *SH assets held by them in obvious jeopardy.

What in your view is delaying the return of any Safe Harbored and/or WMI Estate assets to our Markers, and are there any additional mitigating factors affecting this?


02/07/19 7:36 PM

#558224 RE: CBA09 #509631

Hi CBA... Are you still following this?