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Poco Parvenu

02/17/18 10:14 AM

#13281 RE: Guelly #13279

Guelly, the deadliest school shootings, Columbine and Virginia Tech, occurred despite the presence of armed personnel. Columbine had an armed school resource officer and during the morning of the shooting at Virginia Tech, five officers plus the police chief were present on campus. In both shootings, the killers were well-aware of armed officers on their campuses.

Metal detectors have been implemented less often in schools, due to their cost. The DTII scanner was developed specifically for schools in answer to the cost factor, as well as the safety factor due to its no emissions. Read all about it on their website.

A 2000 study found in Chicago, metal detectors prevented 294 weapons, 15 of which were guns, from entering schools. A 1993 sample of New York City schools with metal detectors showed a deterrent effect because some students said they were less likely to bring guns to school.

But even with using metal detectors, there is no guarantee to prevent these tragic events; how do we scan for intent or mental health issues without fundng? In 2005, a teenager killed an unarmed security guard and then passed through a metal detector at a high school in Red Lake, Minnesota and murdered a teacher and five students.

The DTII scanner addresses the factors of costs and safety, and can get more schools protected, as shown by the Chicago study. It is much better than doing nothing that the US is currently doing.