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02/15/18 9:27 AM

#43193 RE: fishhunter #43192

FWIW, I haven't been a fan of any of our IR people/companies in the entire 7 years I've been in this stock, inclusive of in- or out-of-house. But, that said, Hayden is doing the most of anybody we've had. That's more of a reflection on how little there was before, though. But there is higher facebook and twitter presence, plus a blog on Virtra's website (I'm not sure who runs that).

It's just really baffling to me why Virtra is hanging so low when so many lesser stocks with 0 growth are out there with 20-30 P/Es right now. It's not just IR, it's not just Ferris (many other companies have actually bad CEOs), it's not just being OTC, it's not just delay in uplist. I can't put my finger on it.

But, with that said, the price has gotten down to the 2.30s where i feared it would go and posted about a few weeks ago. Maybe it's time to think about adding. The market just went up and down 10% in a couple weeks over nothing. Sometimes things are just irrational. It's times like that when rational investors make all the money.