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02/12/18 10:34 PM

#277014 RE: fuagf #276997

Part 142, some of Russian meddling, and related, material from F6 big ones. These from Monday, 02/12/18,
headed, Statement from the Press Secretary on the Visit of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of Australia

Nineteenth down

WATCH: Republican Congressman answers questions about GOP Russia memo

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by PBS NewsHour [ / , ]
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) holds news briefing on the House Intelligence Committee's decision to release the Nunes memo. [comments disabled]

Note Gaetz says "when the dossier was served up to the FISA court..." he is misleading as the whole dossier was not
in the warrant application. Only parts were. He also says McCabe testified the warrant on Page would not have been
gained without the dossier. Schiff says Gaetz is misleading re McCabe's testimony. See, Q&A on the Nunes Memo
By Lori Robertson Posted on February 7, 2018 ..

These three get us into the second quarter

Revealed: The 2 journalists cited in GOP Intel memo speak out
The Beat with Ari Melber
The two journalists named in a controversial GOP memo, Michael Isikoff and David Corn join Ari Melber for their first interview since it was released.


Revealed: GOP Rep. Nunes did not read evidence for his own intel memo
The Beat with Ari Melber
One sign the memo release is failing as a political matter — on the night of its release, Nunes on Fox promising another
memo instead of discussing this one. NBC News Contributor Howard Fineman calls the appearance a dramatic “faceplant”.


Watch legal journalist demolish claims in GOP Russia memo

The Beat with Ari Melber
In a ‘Beat’ Special breakdown Ari Melber separates legal facts vs. Nunes’ fiction — calling it a ‘dud’
when it comes to revealing anything about Bob Mueller’s criminal probe into the Trump White House.
©2018 , [this YouTube's title botched, it is of this segment, not the segment just above; with comments]

Note: McCabe quoted as saying the Nunes memo is only the opinion of it's congressional authors.

Add one article mentioned

The ‘Nunes Memo’ Ripping the Justice Department Was Written by Former Justice Department Lawyer
Kash Patel jumped from DOJ to the House intel committee where he turned the department’s most-coveted intelligence against it.
Betsy Woodruff 02.02.18 10:39 AM ET

Skip one to

How The Nunes Memo Is A Danger To Democracy (HBO)

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by VICE News [ / , ]
There seem to be some real parallels between Richard Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre and Trump's alleged
desire to fire Special Prosecutor Mueller. Many in Congress seem to think their job is to protect the president. [with comments]

Skip one to these five

Rep. Hurd on Nunes memo: DOJ authority should be used appropriately every time

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by PBS NewsHour
What information in the so-called Nunes memo was so compelling to Republicans it it warranted its release despite calls by the
intelligence community to keep it classified? Judy Woodruff speaks with Rep. Will Hurd, R-Texas, a former undercover officer in
the CIA, said it’s a matter of oversight of federal law enforcement, the use of verified sources and the protection of civil liberties. [comments disabled]


Rep. Schiff: Nunes memo cherrypicks information to mislead, includes untrue claims

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by PBS NewsHour
The Nunes memo is "directly misleading" and selective about the details it uses, says Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee
and author of a Democratic memo. Schiff joins Judy Woodruff to combat Republican accusations of intelligence community bias around the Russia investigation. [comments disabled]


Nunes memo's big reveal is not what its authors thought
All In with Chris Hayes
The memo's proponents say it shows an anti-Trump conspiracy, but it actually debunks one of their main Russia probe talking points.


What did Carter Page know?

All In with Chris Hayes
The oddly prescient comment by the man at the center of the Nunes memo that has us asking: Wait, what?
©2018 , [with comments]


Did Hannity convince Trump to "release the memo"?
All In with Chris Hayes
The Fox News host has been aggressively hyping "one of the biggest scandals in American history" and, reportedly, advising the president.

Skip two to these six

Nunes memo fails to live up to hype for Trump

The Rachel Maddow Show
Rachel Maddow points out that despite two weeks of Fox News hype, the Nunes memo is not only underwhelming
as a political stunt, it actually undermines the argument it was meant to make for Donald Trump.
©2018 , [with comments]


Schiff: Nunes memo damages intel community
The Rachel Maddow Show
Congressman Adam Schiff, top Democratic member of the House Intelligence Committee, talks with Rachel Maddow
about the damage the Nunes memo has done to the relationship between Congress and the intelligence community.


Nunes memo presents incomplete picture
The Rachel Maddow Show
Chuck Rosenberg, former U.S. attorney, talks with Rachel Maddow about the FISA process
and why Devin Nunes' manipulation of classified information puts the FBI in in a tough bind.


Nixon's right-wing media vision helps Trump
The Rachel Maddow Show
Michael Beschloss, NBC News presidential historian, talks with Rachel Maddow about the context of the Devin Nunes
memo and how Richard Nixon met with Roger Ailes about creating a conservative media that now carries Donald Trump.


Memo as excuse to fire Rosenstein opens can of worms for Trump
The Rachel Maddow Show
Rachel Maddow points out that Dana Boente, the current FBI general counsel, also signed off on a Carter Page FISA warrant, just
like Rod Rosenstein did. So if the Nunes memo is an excuse to fire Rosenstein, how many other people will Trump have to fire?


Air comes out of Trump's Nunes memo balloon
The Rachel Maddow Show
Rachel Maddow and Joy Reid remark on the bursting of the Nunes memo bubble and wonder about how the energy of the memo's hype will dissipate.

Skip a couple to these five, which get us into the second half

Two ex-DOJ officials on Nunes memo: 'a bad joke’

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell
Joy Reid talks with former DOJ lawyers Paul Butler and Harry Litman, who says that the Republican
memo is a "disgraceful episode" that will damage institutional relations with the DOJ and FBI.
©2018 , [with comments]

In that one Rep. Paul Gosar says the Page FISA warrant was illegal abuse of FISA, and wants Comey, McCabe, Sally Yates and Rosenstein prosecuted for treason for
their involvement in the process. Has he sent that ridiculous letter to Sessions yet? Will House Republicans hold the president accountable according
to their constitutional responsibility under the separation of powers enshrined in the constitution. If not, would that be treasonous?

Add one related
GOP lawmaker calls for FBI, DOJ officials to face 'treason' charges
By CRISTIANO LIMA 02/02/2018 03:19 PM EST
Updated 02/02/2018 04:52 PM EST


Lawyers involved in probe: Mueller may indict Trump

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell
A new report from Politico says two lawyers who have interacted with Mueller's team think Special Counsel Robert
Mueller could indict President Trump. Politico reporter Darren Samuelsohn and Paul Butler discuss with Joy Reid.
©2018 , [with comments]


After Nunes memo's release, Trump fails to back Rosenstein
The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
Critics of the Nunes memo argue its real purpose is to give Trump cover to fire Dep. Atty. General Rod Rosenstein who's overseeing
Robert Mueller's Russia probe. White House officials say Rosestein's job is safe, but Trump failed to answer the question when asked.
[originally aired February 2, 2018]


FBI insider on what the Nunes memo tells America's enemies

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
Robert Anderson, a former FBI colleague of Robert Mueller's, joins to discuss if he thinks Mueller will be affected by the
release of the Nunes memo and what the memo is telling America's adversaries about the U.S. intelligence community.
[originally aired February 2, 2018] , [with comments]


McCain: Undermining our own rule of law only helps Putin

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
Condemning the release of the Nunes memo, Sen. John McCain said it serves no one's
interests but Vladimir Putin’s. Republican strategist Mike Murphy joins to discuss.
[originally aired February 2, 2018] , [with comments]

From "stashed February 2, 2018:"

President approves release of GOP memo criticizing FBI surveillance
President Trump approved release Friday of a GOP memo alleging surveillance abuses by the FBI, intensifying a fight between the White House and Republican lawmakers, on one side, and the nation’s top law enforcement agency over whether the origins of a probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election were tainted by political bias.
The memo was approved for release without redactions, according to two White House officials.
The president told reporters in the Oval Office, “I think it’s a disgrace what’s happening in our country. A lot of people should be ashamed of themselves and much worse than that.”
The FBI and the Justice Department had lobbied strenuously against the memo’s release. In a statement Wednesday, the FBI had said it was “gravely concerned” that key facts were missing from the memo, which, it said, left an inaccurate impression of how the agency conducted surveillance under the authority of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.
Friday morning, the president tweeted in anticipation of the memo’s release, saying: “The top Leadership and Investigators of the FBI and the Justice Department have politicized the sacred investigative process in favor of Democrats and against Republicans - something which would have been unthinkable just a short time ago.’’ He added: “Rank & File are great people!”

Trump Formally Authorizes Congress To Release Controversial Nunes Memo

GOP memo declassified, release expected: Live updates

In Attack On Mueller Probe, Trump Declassifies GOP Memo FBI Says Is Bogus
The memo alleges wrongdoing at the Justice Department and the FBI.


Did Trump just reveal the real reason this memo was written?
Republican leaders in Congress have one main defense for releasing a controversial memo on the FBI's Russia investigation: It reveals mistakes and even bias at the FBI, not with the separate, independent special counsel investigation set up by the Justice Department.
The memo, said House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) on Thursday, isn't “an indictment of the FBI, of the Department of Justice.”
Apparently President Trump didn't get that memo. In one tweet Friday morning, Trump publicly undermined Ryan's argument that the memo does not equal an attack on the FBI, Justice Department or the special counsel investigating Trump.
This memo will actually prove political bias in all of those places, Trump suggested:
The top Leadership and Investigators of the FBI and the Justice Department have politicized the sacred investigative process in favor of Democrats and against Republicans - something which would have been unthinkable just a short time ago. Rank & File are great people!
[ ]

Trump Says F.B.I. and Justice Dept. Have ‘Politicized’ Investigative Process

While You Are Tweeting About the Nunes Memo, Russia Is Plotting Its Midterms Attack
The point is distraction. And it’s working dangerously well.
By David Corn

The big questions before the Nunes memo is released

Washington Awaits Nunes Memo That Has Pushed It Into Terra Incognita

These alarming leaks on Trump’s handling of the memo signal danger ahead

What if the memo is ‘a dud’?

Trump claims FBI, DOJ favor Democrats, expected to approve release of Russia memo

Trump Leans Into Attack On FBI As Clock Ticks Toward Release Of Nunes Memo

Trump attacks top U.S. law enforcement over Russia probe

These Are the Republicans Speaking Out Against Trump's Release of the Nunes Memo
Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona
Sen. John Thune of South Dakota
Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
Rep. Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania
[that's it - no others]

What’s the bigger story — the Russia probe [yes, of course] or the investigative practices [what the Traitors for Traitor Trump claim]?


All should appreciate the FBI speaking up. I wish more of our leaders would. But take heart: American history shows that, in the long run, weasels and liars never hold the field, so long as good people stand up. Not a lot of schools or streets named for Joe McCarthy.

Trump’s on a tweet rampage against FBI/DOJ for being too helpful to Dems. But there’s a problem with that theory:
Comey? Republican.
Wray? Republican.
Mueller? Republican.
Sessions? Republican.
Rosenstein? Republican.
I guess, to him, upholding the Constitution is pro-Democrat.

The top leadership of the FBI and Justice Department (current and former, including Wray, Mueller and James Comey) are Republicans. The Justice Department and FBI are led by Republicans appointed by Donald Trump. Are they politicized against themselves?

'Weasels and liars': Comey tweets about FBI speaking up amid controversy over memo


Russia probe lawyers think Mueller could indict Trump
Many legal scholars doubt a U.S. vs. Trump case is possible, but two attorneys who have dealt with special counsel Robert Mueller's team disagree. One expects Mueller to move as early as this spring.

Attorneys in Russia probe believe Mueller could indict Trump: report

Bob Livingston's 'tough guy' aide becomes key in Trump probe - Mark Corallo

‘I’d Bet Against the President’: Lawyers Tied to Russia Probe Say Mueller May Indict Trump

When Two Tribes Go to War
By Andrew Sullivan


Did Donald Trump Read the Memo? Could He Read It?
By Jonathan Chait

Republicans: If Poor Carter Page Can Be Wiretapped, Who Among Us Is Safe?
By Jonathan Chait

4 New Trump Corruption Stories From the Last Day Alone
By Jonathan Chait

Wall Street Journal Columnist Discovers Trump Defense to End All Trump Defenses
By Jonathan Chait

more: Jonathan Chait Archive

Read the GOP memo
The Nunes memo is a document created by the staff of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) that alleges the FBI abused its surveillance authority, particularly when it sought a secret court order to monitor a former Trump campaign adviser. The FBI and the Justice Department had lobbied strenuously against its release. On Wednesday, the FBI had said it was “gravely concerned” that key facts were missing from the memo. President approves release of GOP memo criticizing FBI surveillance [ ]

House Republicans Release Secret Memo [ ] Accusing Russia Investigators of Bias

Disputed GOP-Nunes memo released


Read the Nunes Memo - plain text, not pdf or scribd-style
House Republicans on Friday released a previously secret memo that was written by Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee and declassified by President Trump. The memo claims that F.B.I. officials abused their authority and favored Democrats in the early stages of the Russia investigation.
Our reporters are reading the memo and will add their analysis soon. For more coverage, read here ["House Republicans Release Secret Memo Accusing Russia Investigators of Bias", ].

The full Nunes memo, annotated - plain text, not pdf or scribd-style

After Trump declassifies, Nunes memo released
'Congress will do whatever they're going to do, but I think it's a disgrace what's happening in our country,' the president says.

House intel releases Nunes memo alleging FBI bias

Entire Russia memo released over FBI objections

Releasing the Nunes memo is Trump’s most unethical act since firing Comey
By Matthew Miller
Matthew Miller was director of the Justice Department’s public affairs office from 2009 to 2011.


The controversial Nunes memo is out. Here’s what we know.
What happens after #ReleaseTheMemo.

The Nunes memo, explained with diagrams
The memo is out. Here’s why Republicans think it’ll discredit Robert Mueller’s investigation.

The 9 biggest questions about the Nunes memo, answered
A GOP Congress member’s controversial memo about the FBI and the Trump-Russia investigation, explained.

Carter Page, the star of the Nunes memo, explained
9 questions about the former Trump adviser you were too embarrassed to ask.

Nunes memo centers on a 40-year-old law written to prevent surveillance abuses

Suspicion, Not Proof, Is Enough For A FISA Warrant
The House Intelligence Committee's Republican-written memo is expected to be made public on Friday. It's expected to accuse the FBI of acting improperly in targeting Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page.

Republican ‘Release the Memo’ Conspiracy Ignores How Difficult It Is to Get a FISA Warrant

GOP-Nunes memo released alleging FBI cover-up
Meanwhile, a Democratic congressional source with direct knowledge told NBC News that four separate FISA judges reviewed the surveillance application and renewals of Page.

Nunes Memo: Read the full transcript of GOP memo

Nunes memo release leaves FBI Director Christopher Wray no choice: He must resign
The White House has decided it is more important to score political points than take national security concerns seriously.

Sentence buried in GOP memo may undercut Trump efforts to discredit Russia probe - h/t PegnVA
“The Papadopoulos information triggered the opening of an FBI counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016 by FBI agent Pete Strzok,” the memo noted in its final paragraph.
That timing is significant, given the FBI did not seek authorization to conduct surveillance on Page until three months later, on Oct. 21, 2016.

Why Did Trump Let the Russians Off the Hook? - Russia Matters
This week’s highly anticipated news on additional Russia sanctions landed with a thud.
For weeks, both Moscow and Washington had been astir about the impending steps the Trump administration would take against Russia based on legislation reluctantly signed by the president nearly six months ago and overwhelmingly supported by Congress.
The law, called the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act, or CAATSA, called for three analytical reports and the imposition of no less than five punitive measures, out of a possible 12, against Russia for interfering in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
The administration instead chose to impose zero new sanctions, saying the current ones were working and the “mere threat” of additional steps had had enough impact.

Trump plays turtle on Russia sanctions

Treasury warns of wide impact if U.S. sanctions Russian debt


GOP defies FBI, releases secret Russia memo to partisan fury
'Congress will do whatever they're going to do, but I think it's a disgrace what's happening in our country,' the president says.

Five takeaways from the Nunes surveillance memo

Nunes memo: Key extracts and what they mean
After days - weeks - of breathless anticipation, the secret memo is a secret no more. Was it a bomb or a dud?

The Nunes Memo Undermines the Right’s Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory

The Nunes memo is a giant, damaging distraction

Republicans Release the Nunes Memo to the Fury of Democrats
President Trump authorized the release of the unredacted memorandum over strident objections from top law-enforcement officials, as Democrats blasted it as deliberately misleading.

The Surprise in the Nunes Memo
The controversial document raises some interesting questions—but also undermines the political argument it was intended to buttress.


The Real Purpose Of The Nunes Memo
Despite the distraction, the memo shows no “deep state” plot to elect Hillary Clinton.

The GOP Memo Trump Hoped Would Stop Mueller’s Russia Probe Is A Misleading Dud
The much-hyped document reveals almost no new information, and is full of inaccuracies and omissions.

Sen. John McCain On Nunes Memo Release: ‘We Are Doing Putin’s Job For Him’
The Arizona senator blasted the memo, which President Donald Trump declassified against the wishes of the intelligence community.

The RNC Should Just Call Itself The Trump National Committee Now
The party of morality and law has become the party of defending accused sexual predators and attacking law enforcement.

Republicans Warned Secret Memo Would Be ‘Worse Than Watergate.’ It’s Not.
Much of the memo’s contents were already public information.

Right-Wing Outlets Got Advance Excerpts Of GOP Memo, Underscoring Its Partisan Nature
Fox News obtaining “exclusive first excerpts” demonstrates that the release of the memo was never about transparency, only about politics.

In Trump vs. the F.B.I., Trump Will Lose

Trump vs. the FBI

House Republicans Release Secret Memo Accusing Russia Investigators of Bias

Trump has picked a fight with the FBI. He’ll be sorry.
By Eugene Robinson


Sean Hannity Has Been Advising Donald Trump on the Nunes Memo, Because of Course He Has
Donald Trump continues to get his policy advice from the people on ‘the shows.’

Report: Sean Hannity has been advising Trump on Nunes memo


Trump’s White House Goes Weirdly Silent on the Nunes Memo
A scandal that was supposed to be bigger than Watergate goes almost unmentioned by the president’s team after it breaks.

White House sees price for release of Nunes memo

The Trump White House’s laughable spin that releasing the Nunes memo is all about ‘transparency’

Judiciary Dem: I suspect Nunes and White House coordinated on memo - Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.)


How Trump’s Allies Fanned an Ember of Controversy Into Flames of Outrage

Trump says 'people should be ashamed' after memo is declassified - included near the end in the official White House YouTube "President Trump Meets with North Korean Defectors" included in sequence in the body of this post above (there followed immediately by Trump's "You figure that one out." reply to "Does [the memo] make you more likely to fire Rosenstein? Do you still have confidence in him after reading the memo?")

Guardian News [also at ]

Justice Dept. told court of source’s political influence in request to wiretap ex-Trump campaign aide, officials say

Calling Trump Nixonian? That’s not fair to Nixon.
By Ruth Marcus

Why the Nunes memo takes aim at a Justice Dept. official specializing in gangs and drugs


icon url


02/18/18 1:47 AM

#277115 RE: fuagf #276997

Rick Gates is reportedly close to becoming Mueller’s third cooperating ex-Trump aide

"Part 141, some of..."

CNN reports Gates is finalizing a plea deal with Robert Mueller.

By Andrew Feb 15, 2018, 6:54pm EST

Rick Gates Mark Wilson/Getty

Special counsel Robert Mueller may be close to flipping another former Trump staffer.

Rick Gates — Paul Manafort’s longtime junior business partner, and a 2016 Trump campaign staffer — is “finalizing” a plea deal in which he’d cooperate with the Mueller investigation, CNN’s Katelyn Polantz and Sara Murray report. Gates has been in negotiations with Mueller’s team about cooperating for over a month, their report says, citing sources familiar with the case.

Back in October, Mueller’s team indicted Gates and Manafort on a combined 12 counts that mostly focused on alleged money laundering, failure to disclose financial assets, and false statements regarding their work for the government of Ukraine and a Russia-affiliated Ukrainian political party — matters that didn’t have anything specific to do with Russian interference in the 2016 campaign. (Both pleaded not guilty.)

But apparently, Mueller didn’t intend to stop there. The special counsel’s team had prepared superseding indictments that would add to or replace the original charges against both Manafort and Gates, per an earlier CNN report. Facing an expensive legal defense with no end in sight, Gates signed a new lawyer who has been working on cutting him a plea deal.

The biggest question, though, is whether Gates’s possible flip is mainly bad news for Paul Manafort concerning those lobbying and money laundering charges ... or whether it would have even bigger implications for the investigation into Russian interference as a whole, and into President Trump specifically.

Because if Manafort were to know of anything that could implicate Trump in connection with Russia, it seems quite plausible Gates would know it, too.

links, and more -

Specifically posted to

Lawyer overhaul raises intrigue in Gates case
The Rachel Maddow Show
Rachel Maddow shares some intriguing new reporting about Paul Manafort co-defendant
Rick Gates changing his legal team in his case being prosecuted by Robert Mueller.

just above the embedded video showing Page.

See also a good little summary of much to date here

This not my post but I completely agree: It came from Yahoo news
My Point Of View. 3 hours ago
I really want to address Trump/GOP supporters here and ask them this question: Just how suspicious are Trump’s
connections to Russia. After all, we have never ever had a POTUS before with any connections to Russia. Consider this:

Mueller isn't flipping burgers.