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Re: F6 post# 276988

Monday, 02/12/2018 3:10:23 AM

Monday, February 12, 2018 3:10:23 AM

Post# of 486900
Statement from the Press Secretary on the Visit of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of Australia

Issued on: February 2, 2018

President Donald J. Trump will welcome Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of Australia to the White House on February 23, 2018. President Trump looks forward to further enhancing our partnership and alliance, and demonstrating our shared commitment to the democratic values that underpin peace and prosperity around the world. The President and Prime Minister will discuss a range of shared bilateral, regional, and global priorities, including fighting terrorism, promoting economic growth, and expanding security and defense cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region. The leaders will celebrate 100 years of mateship through war, peace, and prosperity, charting the course for the coming century of partnership.


Readout of President Donald J. Trump’s Call with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan

Issued on: February 2, 2018

President Donald J. Trump spoke today with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan. President Trump thanked Prime Minister Abe for Japan’s efforts to maintain international pressure on North Korea, including recent efforts to clamp down on North Korea’s attempts to circumvent sanctions in the waters surrounding the Korean Peninsula. Both leaders agreed on the need to intensify the international maximum pressure campaign to denuclearize North Korea. The two leaders discussed the pending relocation of a United States Marine base on Okinawa and discussed ways to strengthen Japan’s defense capabilities including an expanded missile defense system.


Readout of President Donald J. Trump’s Call with President Moon Jae-In

Issued on: February 2, 2018

President Donald J. Trump spoke today with President Moon Jae-in of the Republic of Korea to wish him and the Korean people a successful Winter Olympic Games. The two leaders discussed the importance of improving the human rights situation in North Korea and underscored their commitment to work together on this issue. President Trump also reiterated his commitment to addressing the trade imbalance between the two countries.


Readout of the Vice President’s Call with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani

Issued on: February 2, 2018

Vice President Mike Pence spoke with President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan by phone today. The Vice President expressed the Administration’s condolences for the recent terrorist attacks against the Afghan people, and recognized the bravery of the Afghan security forces. The Vice President also noted that attacks like these only highlight the barbarity and cowardice of the insurgency, and strengthen America’s resolve to support Afghanistan and its National Unity Government. Vice President Pence and President Ghani reaffirmed the enduring bonds and close alliance between the United States and Afghanistan.


Full Show - REAL NEWS: News, Analysis & Calls, Paul Craig Roberts - 02/02/2018

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by Ron Gibson [ / , ]

[from Alex Jones and his merry band of batshit bullshitters] [with comments] [no official Alex Jones/Real News with David Knight upload (yet) at ]


Today’s Job Gains Top Off an Impressive Week of Economic News
This morning’s jobs report, which shows 200,000 new jobs, caps a week of stellar economic news that included rising wages, higher confidence, and expanding manufacturing.
February 2, 2018


The President’s State Of The Union Address Continues To Earn Applause
Polling shows that President Donald J. Trump’s State of the Union Address earned “high marks” from the American people, while commentators continue to applaud his unifying speech.
February 2, 2018


Melania Trump Goes Bye-Bye at the State of the Union

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by Super Deluxe [ , ]

Vic Berger Presents: Donald Trump finally said "Bye-bye!" to Melania at the State of the Union. [with comments]


Statement from the Press Secretary

Issued on: February 2, 2018

Earlier today, President Donald J. Trump declassified a memorandum from the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. The memorandum raises serious concerns about the integrity of decisions made at the highest levels of the Department of Justice and the FBI to use the Government’s most intrusive surveillance tools against American citizens.

This decision was made with input from the President’s national security team—including law enforcement officials and members of the intelligence community, for whom the President has great respect. He is especially grateful to the hardworking rank-and-file public servants who work every day to keep America safe and uphold our laws while protecting the constitutional rights of all Americans.

Minority members of the Committee have reportedly drafted a separate memorandum. The Administration stands ready to work with Congress to accommodate oversight requests consistent with applicable standards, including the need to protect intelligence sources and methods.


Statement from the President Regarding K.T. McFarland’s Withdrawal of Her Nomination to be Ambassador to Singapore

Issued on: February 2, 2018

I am disappointed that K.T. McFarland has withdrawn from consideration to be Ambassador to Singapore. K.T. served my Administration with distinction. Unfortunately, some Democrats chose to play politics rather than move forward with a qualified nominee for a critically important post. I wish K.T. the best as she uses her considerable wisdom and skill as a commentator to explain to the American people how to make American foreign policy great again.


President Trump Meets with North Korean Defectors

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by The White House [ / , ]

The White House

Remarks by President Trump in Meeting with North Korean Defectors
Oval Office
February 2, 2018 [official transcript] [with comments]


Statement by President Donald J. Trump on the Nuclear Posture Review

Issued on: February 2, 2018

On January 27, 2017, in one of my first acts in office, I directed Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis to conduct a Nuclear Posture Review (NPR). After a year of thorough analysis and careful deliberations across our government, today, my Administration is announcing the conclusions of this review. These conclusions are grounded in a realistic assessment of the global security environment, the need to deter the use of the most destructive weapons on earth, and our Nation’s long-standing commitment to nuclear non-proliferation.

Over the past decade, despite United States efforts to reduce the roles and numbers of nuclear weapons, other nuclear nations grew their stockpiles, increased the prominence of nuclear weapons in their security strategies, and—in some cases—pursued the development of new nuclear capabilities to threaten other nations. Meanwhile, successive United States administrations deferred much-needed modernization of our nuclear weapons, infrastructure, and delivery systems.

The 2018 NPR addresses these challenges. It describes the roles nuclear weapons play in our national security strategy. The strategy is tailored and flexible to address the wide array of threats in the 21st century. It pursues modernization of our nuclear command, control, and communications, all three legs of our triad, our dual capable aircraft, and our nuclear infrastructure. The strategy develops capabilities aimed at making use of nuclear weapons less likely. It enhances deterrence of strategic attacks against our Nation, and our allies and partners, that may not come in the form of nuclear weapons. And, importantly, it reaffirms our commitment to arms control and nuclear non-proliferation, maintains the moratorium on nuclear testing, and commits to improving efforts to prevent, detect, and respond to nuclear terrorism.


Full Show - BOMBSHELL SHOW! FISA Memo Released / MSM And Democrats In Full Panic Mode! - 02/02/2018

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

Friday, Feb. 2nd 2018[, with an appearance by Roger Stone]: Unedited Memo to Rock DoJ! - The FISA Memo is FINALLY released thanks to President Trump! The American people are ready for the truth. They’ve had enough with the exhausted “Russian Collusion” allegations. Together with the surge in jobs, Trump’s high approval ratings reveal the people are on his side. William Binney joins Alex Jones live via Skype to break down the crimes committed and laid out in the FISA Memo. Doug Hagmann provides exclusive insight on the FISA memo and hosts the fourth and final hour. [with comments] [also, slightly edited, at (additional text adapted from; with comments)] [a must-watch]


RWW News: Mike Cernovich Fears The FBI Will Execute Alex Jones

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by RWW Blog [ / , ] [with comments]


RWW News: Paul Nehlen Retreats To 'Baked Alaska' Stream After Anti-Semitic Remarks

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by RWW Blog [with comments]


RWW News: Cynthia Dunbar Explains How Her Bid For Congress Can Be Controlled By Christians

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by RWW Blog [with comments]


RWW News: Michele Bachman Says That 'First And Foremost, Trump 'Has Respect For God' [and some Kenneth Copeland]

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by RWW Blog [with comments]


How to Wear Makeup in a God Honoring Way

Published on Feb 3, 2018 by JaclynGlenn [ / , ]

This is totally how I do my makeup - in a god honoring way. [with comments]


WATCH: Republican Congressman answers questions about GOP Russia memo

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by PBS NewsHour [ / , ]

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) holds news briefing on the House Intelligence Committee's decision to release the Nunes memo. [comments disabled]


Remarks by Vice President Pence at America First Policies Tax Reform Event
Heinz History Center
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
February 2, 2018 [official transcript]


President Trump Participates in a Customs and Border Protection Roundtable

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by The White House

Sterling, VA

Remarks by President Trump at Customs and Border Protection Roundtable
Border Patrol National Targeting Center
Sterling, Virginia
February 2, 2018 [official transcript]

Responsible Immigration Reform Will Secure Our Borders
“For decades, open borders have allowed drugs and gangs to pour into our most vulnerable communities. They’ve allowed millions of low-wage workers to compete for jobs and wages against the poorest Americans.”
- President Donald J. Trump
February 2, 2018 [with comments]


Atheists should do more than just debate God! A call for action..

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by Emperor Atheist [ , ]

Emperor Atheist raising the issues of social justice and awareness by atheists as a whole. We should do more than just debate the theoretical existence of a god. There is much more to do as our ranks grow larger! [with comments]


Full Show - Memo Released, Treason Exposed At Highest Levels Of Government - 02/02/2018

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by War Room [ , ]

A historic day in America as the Nunes Memo has been declassified, turning the tables entirely on the Trump Russian collusion investigation, and putting Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton in the investigation crosshairs. Despite the truth about the FISA warrant being exposed in the memo, the deep state and the Democrats are in full panic mode trying to cover for the devastating document.

[from Alex Jones and his merry band of batshit bullshitters] [with comments] [also, edited, at (with comments)]


Newsbite: Prayer night in a Kentucky jail?

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by FFRF [ / , ]

FFRF Legal Fellow Colin McNamara discusses FFRF [Freedom From Religion Foundation] taking legal action against a Kentucky penal institution to make it comply with the law. [with comments]


Revealed: The 2 journalists cited in GOP Intel memo speak out

The Beat with Ari Melber

The two journalists named in a controversial GOP memo, Michael Isikoff and David Corn join Ari Melber for their first interview since it was released.



Revealed: GOP Rep. Nunes did not read evidence for his own intel memo

The Beat with Ari Melber

One sign the memo release is failing as a political matter — on the night of its release, Nunes on Fox promising another memo instead of discussing this one. NBC News Contributor Howard Fineman calls the appearance a dramatic “faceplant”.



Watch legal journalist demolish claims in GOP Russia memo

The Beat with Ari Melber

In a ‘Beat’ Special breakdown Ari Melber separates legal facts vs. Nunes’ fiction — calling it a ‘dud’ when it comes to revealing anything about Bob Mueller’s criminal probe into the Trump White House.

©2018 , [this YouTube's title botched, it is of this segment, not the segment just above; with comments]


Reunited! Rapper Fat Joe shouts out conservative Bill Kristol on The Beat

The Beat with Ari Melber

Rapper Fat Joe and Editor of the Weekly Standard Bill Kristol join Ari Melber on who needs to fall back this week.



How The Nunes Memo Is A Danger To Democracy (HBO)

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by VICE News [ / , ]

There seem to be some real parallels between Richard Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre and Trump's alleged desire to fire Special Prosecutor Mueller. Many in Congress seem to think their job is to protect the president. [with comments]


Penn State Is Still Keeping Secrets On Frat Row (HBO)

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by VICE News

During Spring Rush in February, 2017 sophomore Tim Piazza died after an initiation ritual that forced him to drink 18 drinks in 82 minutes.

A year later, fraternities at Penn State say that can't happen again. But the culture of secrecy surrounding frats and rushing remains.

VICE News talks to would be frat boys about peer pressure at Penn State. [with comments]


Rep. Hurd on Nunes memo: DOJ authority should be used appropriately every time

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by PBS NewsHour

What information in the so-called Nunes memo was so compelling to Republicans it it warranted its release despite calls by the intelligence community to keep it classified? Judy Woodruff speaks with Rep. Will Hurd, R-Texas, a former undercover officer in the CIA, said it’s a matter of oversight of federal law enforcement, the use of verified sources and the protection of civil liberties. [comments disabled]


Rep. Schiff: Nunes memo cherrypicks information to mislead, includes untrue claims

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by PBS NewsHour

The Nunes memo is "directly misleading" and selective about the details it uses, says Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee and author of a Democratic memo. Schiff joins Judy Woodruff to combat Republican accusations of intelligence community bias around the Russia investigation. [comments disabled]


Nunes memo's big reveal is not what its authors thought

All In with Chris Hayes

The memo's proponents say it shows an anti-Trump conspiracy, but it actually debunks one of their main Russia probe talking points.



What did Carter Page know?

All In with Chris Hayes

The oddly prescient comment by the man at the center of the Nunes memo that has us asking: Wait, what?

©2018 , [with comments]


Did Hannity convince Trump to "release the memo"?

All In with Chris Hayes

The Fox News host has been aggressively hyping "one of the biggest scandals in American history" and, reportedly, advising the president.



Trump has said he has "one of the great memories of all time." Except this once.

All In with Chris Hayes

Donald Trump has bragged about having “one of the greatest memories of all time.”

©2018 , [with comments]



Streamed live on Feb 2, 2018 by The Alex Jones Channel [with comments]


Nunes memo fails to live up to hype for Trump

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow points out that despite two weeks of Fox News hype, the Nunes memo is not only underwhelming as a political stunt, it actually undermines the argument it was meant to make for Donald Trump.

©2018 , [with comments]


Schiff: Nunes memo damages intel community

The Rachel Maddow Show

Congressman Adam Schiff, top Democratic member of the House Intelligence Committee, talks with Rachel Maddow about the damage the Nunes memo has done to the relationship between Congress and the intelligence community.



Nunes memo presents incomplete picture

The Rachel Maddow Show

Chuck Rosenberg, former U.S. attorney, talks with Rachel Maddow about the FISA process and why Devin Nunes' manipulation of classified information puts the FBI in in a tough bind.



Nixon's right-wing media vision helps Trump

The Rachel Maddow Show

Michael Beschloss, NBC News presidential historian, talks with Rachel Maddow about the context of the Devin Nunes memo and how Richard Nixon met with Roger Ailes about creating a conservative media that now carries Donald Trump.



Memo as excuse to fire Rosenstein opens can of worms for Trump

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow points out that Dana Boente, the current FBI general counsel, also signed off on a Carter Page FISA warrant, just like Rod Rosenstein did. So if the Nunes memo is an excuse to fire Rosenstein, how many other people will Trump have to fire?



Air comes out of Trump's Nunes memo balloon

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow and Joy Reid remark on the bursting of the Nunes memo bubble and wonder about how the energy of the memo's hype will dissipate.



Shock Video! NBC Calls For Violent Revolution Against Trump For FISA Memo Release

Streamed live on Feb 2, 2018 by The Alex Jones Channel

[N.B.: a guilty plea to a criminal charge which plea is accepted by the court (Flynn, Papadopoulos) IS a conviction of the crime charged.] [with comments] [a must-watch]


Two ex-DOJ officials on Nunes memo: 'a bad joke’

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Joy Reid talks with former DOJ lawyers Paul Butler and Harry Litman, who says that the Republican memo is a "disgraceful episode" that will damage institutional relations with the DOJ and FBI.

©2018 , [with comments]


Lawyers involved in probe: Mueller may indict Trump

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

A new report from Politico says two lawyers who have interacted with Mueller's team think Special Counsel Robert Mueller could indict President Trump. Politico reporter Darren Samuelsohn and Paul Butler discuss with Joy Reid.

©2018 , [with comments]


After Nunes memo's release, Trump fails to back Rosenstein

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

Critics of the Nunes memo argue its real purpose is to give Trump cover to fire Dep. Atty. General Rod Rosenstein who's overseeing Robert Mueller's Russia probe. White House officials say Rosestein's job is safe, but Trump failed to answer the question when asked.


[originally aired February 2, 2018]


FBI insider on what the Nunes memo tells America's enemies

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

Robert Anderson, a former FBI colleague of Robert Mueller's, joins to discuss if he thinks Mueller will be affected by the release of the Nunes memo and what the memo is telling America's adversaries about the U.S. intelligence community.


[originally aired February 2, 2018] , [with comments]


McCain: Undermining our own rule of law only helps Putin

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

Condemning the release of the Nunes memo, Sen. John McCain said it serves no one's interests but Vladimir Putin’s. Republican strategist Mike Murphy joins to discuss.


[originally aired February 2, 2018] , [with comments]


Monologue: Banana Republicans | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by Real Time with Bill Maher [ / , ]

Bill recaps the top stories of the week, including the House GOP's controversial decision to release "The Memo." [with comments]


The Mooch | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by Real Time with Bill Maher

Former White House Communications director Anthony Scaramucci joins Bill Maher and panelists David Frum and Donna Brazile to discuss the 2016 election and the president's first year in office. [with comments]


New Rule: Trump's Wall of Lies | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by Real Time with Bill Maher

Bill implores Trump fans to admit that their President has been lying to them about building a border wall. [with comments]


Post-Trump World, GOP Split, Black History Month | Overtime with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on Feb 2, 2018 by Real Time with Bill Maher

Bill and his guests - Richard Haass, David Frum, Donna Brazile, and Anthony Scaramucci – answer viewer questions after the show. [with comments]


'Lassie' Returns To Television As The Top Dog In The Russia Investigation

Published on Feb 3, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert [ , ]

'Lassie' gets a reboot and this time around she's a federal agent leading the FBI's Russia investigation.

[originally aired February 2, 2018] [with comments]


President Trump Declines To Tackle The Traditional Super Bowl Interview

Published on Feb 3, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

President Trump continues with his trend of not doing presidential things by skipping out on the Super Bowl interview.

[originally aired February 2, 2018] [with comments]


KFC's New Female Colonel Made Some Dudes On The Internet Mad AF

Published on Feb 3, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

KFC made Reba McEntire the new Colonel Sanders and the sexists had a huge issue.

[originally aired February 2, 2018] [with comments]


Missouri Senate Candidate Courtland Sykes Prefers Sexism Over Feminism

Published on Feb 3, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Senate Candidate Courtland Sykes shares on Facebook that he isn't on board with the whole feminism thing.

[originally aired February 2, 2018] [with comments]


The Dossier Meets The Nunes Memo

Published on Feb 3, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

It's a battle of writs between the Steele dossier and the Nunes memo, using only language pulled from the actual declassified documents.

[originally aired February 2, 2018 (U.S. central time)] [with comments]


stashed February 2, 2018:

President approves release of GOP memo criticizing FBI surveillance
President Trump approved release Friday of a GOP memo alleging surveillance abuses by the FBI, intensifying a fight between the White House and Republican lawmakers, on one side, and the nation’s top law enforcement agency over whether the origins of a probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election were tainted by political bias.
The memo was approved for release without redactions, according to two White House officials.
The president told reporters in the Oval Office, “I think it’s a disgrace what’s happening in our country. A lot of people should be ashamed of themselves and much worse than that.”
The FBI and the Justice Department had lobbied strenuously against the memo’s release. In a statement Wednesday, the FBI had said it was “gravely concerned” that key facts were missing from the memo, which, it said, left an inaccurate impression of how the agency conducted surveillance under the authority of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.
Friday morning, the president tweeted in anticipation of the memo’s release, saying: “The top Leadership and Investigators of the FBI and the Justice Department have politicized the sacred investigative process in favor of Democrats and against Republicans - something which would have been unthinkable just a short time ago.’’ He added: “Rank & File are great people!”

Trump Formally Authorizes Congress To Release Controversial Nunes Memo

GOP memo declassified, release expected: Live updates

In Attack On Mueller Probe, Trump Declassifies GOP Memo FBI Says Is Bogus
The memo alleges wrongdoing at the Justice Department and the FBI.


When Mass Murder Is an Intimate Affair
Parade of volunteers for Waffen-SS Division “Galicia” in Buczacz, 1943
A new book reveals how neighbors turned on neighbors in an Eastern European border town
There’s a common misconception about genocide that’s bothered Omer Bartov for a long time. “We tend to talk about genocide as something that calls for dehumanization,” says the Brown University professor of European history. “We think of it as a process where you have to detach yourself from the victims, to distance yourself from them as much as you can, and to create a system of detachment.” The reality of mass murder, he says, is far more intimate.
Bartov should know. For the past 20 years, he’s reconstructed the 400-year history of one Eastern European border town to show the deep-seated roots that led to genocide during World War II.
Anatomy of a Genocide: The Life and Death of a Town Called Buczacz, published this week by Simon & Schuster establishes the longstanding, multigenerational relationships that existed among Ukrainians, Poles and Jews in the town of Buczacz (pronounced Buh-cha-ch) for hundreds of years before the war unfolded and neighbors turned on neighbors. In a few years’ time, the German and Ukrainian police would almost completely eradicate Buczacz’s Jewish residents. Ukrainian nationalists, in turn, would devastate Buczacz’s Polish population.

Did Trump just reveal the real reason this memo was written?
Republican leaders in Congress have one main defense for releasing a controversial memo on the FBI's Russia investigation: It reveals mistakes and even bias at the FBI, not with the separate, independent special counsel investigation set up by the Justice Department.
The memo, said House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) on Thursday, isn't “an indictment of the FBI, of the Department of Justice.”
Apparently President Trump didn't get that memo. In one tweet Friday morning, Trump publicly undermined Ryan's argument that the memo does not equal an attack on the FBI, Justice Department or the special counsel investigating Trump.
This memo will actually prove political bias in all of those places, Trump suggested:
The top Leadership and Investigators of the FBI and the Justice Department have politicized the sacred investigative process in favor of Democrats and against Republicans - something which would have been unthinkable just a short time ago. Rank & File are great people!
[ ]

Trump Says F.B.I. and Justice Dept. Have ‘Politicized’ Investigative Process

While You Are Tweeting About the Nunes Memo, Russia Is Plotting Its Midterms Attack
The point is distraction. And it’s working dangerously well.
By David Corn

The big questions before the Nunes memo is released

Washington Awaits Nunes Memo That Has Pushed It Into Terra Incognita

These alarming leaks on Trump’s handling of the memo signal danger ahead

What if the memo is ‘a dud’?

Trump claims FBI, DOJ favor Democrats, expected to approve release of Russia memo

Trump Leans Into Attack On FBI As Clock Ticks Toward Release Of Nunes Memo

Trump attacks top U.S. law enforcement over Russia probe

These Are the Republicans Speaking Out Against Trump's Release of the Nunes Memo
Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona
Sen. John Thune of South Dakota
Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
Rep. Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania
[that's it - no others]

What’s the bigger story — the Russia probe [yes, of course] or the investigative practices [what the Traitors for Traitor Trump claim]?


All should appreciate the FBI speaking up. I wish more of our leaders would. But take heart: American history shows that, in the long run, weasels and liars never hold the field, so long as good people stand up. Not a lot of schools or streets named for Joe McCarthy.

Trump’s on a tweet rampage against FBI/DOJ for being too helpful to Dems. But there’s a problem with that theory:
Comey? Republican.
Wray? Republican.
Mueller? Republican.
Sessions? Republican.
Rosenstein? Republican.
I guess, to him, upholding the Constitution is pro-Democrat.

The top leadership of the FBI and Justice Department (current and former, including Wray, Mueller and James Comey) are Republicans. The Justice Department and FBI are led by Republicans appointed by Donald Trump. Are they politicized against themselves?

'Weasels and liars': Comey tweets about FBI speaking up amid controversy over memo


Russia probe lawyers think Mueller could indict Trump
Many legal scholars doubt a U.S. vs. Trump case is possible, but two attorneys who have dealt with special counsel Robert Mueller's team disagree. One expects Mueller to move as early as this spring.

Attorneys in Russia probe believe Mueller could indict Trump: report

Bob Livingston's 'tough guy' aide becomes key in Trump probe - Mark Corallo

‘I’d Bet Against the President’: Lawyers Tied to Russia Probe Say Mueller May Indict Trump

When Two Tribes Go to War
By Andrew Sullivan


Did Donald Trump Read the Memo? Could He Read It?
By Jonathan Chait

Republicans: If Poor Carter Page Can Be Wiretapped, Who Among Us Is Safe?
By Jonathan Chait

4 New Trump Corruption Stories From the Last Day Alone
By Jonathan Chait

Wall Street Journal Columnist Discovers Trump Defense to End All Trump Defenses
By Jonathan Chait

more: Jonathan Chait Archive

Mattis warns Syria against using chemical weapons


U.K. Can't Be in Europe Customs Union After Brexit, Fox Says
Trade Secretary Liam Fox speaks with Bloomberg in Shanghai
EU’s Barnier to meet U.K.’s Davis in London on Monday

Brexit: Theresa May to meet Michel Barnier in London amid fresh splits over transition deal
The Prime Minister is under increasing pressure to set out her plans for the long term relationship with EU amid renewed Cabinet splits

Theresa May under pressure over Brexit position
Theresa May is coming under increasing pressure to set out where she stands on Britain's future trade agreements.

Brexit: MEPs renew pledge to protect citizens' rights
MEPs met in Brussels this week to take stock of the ongoing Brexit negotiations, and once again insisted on the importance of citizens' rights.


Bitcoin tumbles as cryptocurrency sell-off intensifies

Bitcoin price drops below $8,000 for first time since November 24
The volatile digital asset fell as low as $7,695.10, according to Coinbase data.
A number of critics have railed against cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, citing extreme price swings and worries of dubious activities associated with the crypto world.

Forget about Bitcoin as an alternate currency
The very fact cryptocurrencies have no intrinsic value should settle this debate


Geraldo Rivera Brags That Nixon Wouldn’t Have Had To Resign If He Had Sean Hannity
“I believe that our prime responsibility now is to unshackle the 45th president of the United States,” he added.

Sean Hannity’s Pee Pee Tape Discussion Goes Completely Off The Rails

How did we lose a president’s daughter?
What the disappearance of Thomas Jefferson's daughter can tell us about racism in America.
Many people know that Thomas Jefferson had a long-standing relationship with his slave, Sally Hemings. But fewer know that they had four children, three boys and a girl, who survived to adulthood. Born into slavery, Sally’s daughter Harriet boarded a stagecoach to freedom at age 21, bound for Washington, D.C. Her father had given her $50 for her travel expenses. She would never see her mother or younger brothers again.
With her departure from Monticello in 1822, Harriet disappeared from the historical record, not to be heard of again for more than 50 years, when her brother told her story. Seven-eighths white, Harriet had “thought it to her interest to go to Washington as a white woman,” he said. She married a “white man in good standing” in that city and “raised a family of children.” In the half-century during which she passed as white, her brother was “not aware that her identity as Harriet Hemings of Monticello has ever been discovered.”
So how did we lose a president’s daughter? Given America’s obsession with the Founding Fathers, with the children of the Revolution and their descendants, why did Jefferson’s child disappear? As it turns out, America has an even greater obsession with race, so that not even Harriet Hemings’s lineage as a president’s daughter was sufficient to convey the benefits of freedom. Instead, her birth into slavery marked her as black and drove her decision to erase her family history.
Harriet Hemings passed as white to protect her fragile freedom. Jefferson had not issued her formal manumission papers, so until the abolition of slavery in 1865, by law she remained a slave, which meant her children also inherited that condition. But in a society that increasingly associated blackness with enslavement, Hemings used her white skin not only to ensure her children’s freedom, but to claim for them all the rights and privileges of whiteness: education, the vote, a home mortgage, any seat they chose on a streetcar. To reveal herself as the daughter of Jefferson and his slave would have destroyed her plans for a better life for her descendants.
Since Harriet’s time, science has proved there is no difference in blood as a marker of “race.” As a biological category, racial difference has been exposed as a sham. Even skin color is not a reliable indicator of one’s origins. As one study calculated, almost a third of white Americans possess up to 20 percent African genetic inheritance, yet look white, while 5.5 percent of black Americans have no detectable African genetic ancestry. Race has a political and social meaning, but not a biological one.
This is why the story of Harriet Hemings is so important. In her birth into slavery and its long history of oppression, she was black; but anyone who saw her assumed she was white. Between when she was freed in 1822 and the ratification of the 13th Amendment in 1865, she was neither free nor enslaved — yet she lived as a free person.
She does not comfortably fit any of the terms that have had such inordinate power to demarcate life in America. Her disappearance from the historical record is precisely the point. When we can so easily lose the daughter of a president and his slave, it forces us to acknowledge that our racial categories are utterly fallacious and built on a science that has been thoroughly discredited.
Yet as political, economic and social categories, racial difference and its consequences remain profoundly real. White privilege has been much on display in our own day, as armed white men proclaiming white supremacy marched unmolested in the streets, while unarmed black men are shot down by police who are rarely held to account. Politicians run successful campaigns on platforms of racial hatred.
This is why, by one estimate, between 35,000 and 50,000 black Americans continue to cross the color line each year.
As I pored through hundreds of family genealogies, searching for more details about the life of Harriet Hemings, I saw that all families have invented stories: details that have been embellished over time, or perhaps altered by accidental errors. Descendants of immigrants Anglicized their names; information in census records is inconsistent from one decade to another; genealogies are altered because of confusion with recurring favorite names over multiple generations.
Those families who pass as white most definitely have such invented stories. It is what they had to do to authenticate a white lineage, to be recognized as fully human and fully American, with all the rights and privileges thereto — rights and privileges not even a lineage as honored as Jefferson’s can match.
Nations, as well as families, invent stories about themselves. In both cases, we will run into characters we would rather not admit as being one of us, and stories we would rather not tell about ourselves. That the president’s daughter had to choose between her family and living a life with the dignity only whiteness can confer is one of those stories. But without them, we will never truly know where we’ve come from; and without them, we will never be able to chart out a path for a better family and national life.

The Neo-Nazi Has No Clothes: In Search Of Matt Heimbach’s Bogus ‘White Ethnostate’ - Yahoo! News - Matt Heimbach, the 26-year-old founder and head of the grandly named Traditionalist Worker Party - BIG piece
Matthew Heimbach, head of the Traditionalist Worker Party, has been called “the next David Duke.”

Green Card-Holding Veteran Goes On Hunger Strike To Protest [his own] Deportation
“If it comes down to me being deported, I would rather leave this world in the country I gave my heart for,” said Miguel Perez, Jr.

Caitlyn Jenner To Receive ‘Champion of Israel’ Award, Sparking Anger From Activists
Some see the U.S. group’s move as problematic, given accusations of Israel using its LGBTQ rights record to “pinkwash” its treatment of Palestinians.

Christian Blogger [Matt Walsh]: Yoga Was Designed To Cause A ‘Demonic Trance’
“You are playing, quite literally, with fire.”

Chile Establishes 10 Million Acres Of National Parks in ‘Gigantic’ Move For Conservation
While in the United States, Donald Trump announces plans to gut public land protections.

These Bloody Dollhouse Scenes Reveal A Secret Truth About American Crime
Look closely. Can you see it?

GOP memo criticizing FBI surveillance is released

Read the GOP memo
The Nunes memo is a document created by the staff of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) that alleges the FBI abused its surveillance authority, particularly when it sought a secret court order to monitor a former Trump campaign adviser. The FBI and the Justice Department had lobbied strenuously against its release. On Wednesday, the FBI had said it was “gravely concerned” that key facts were missing from the memo. President approves release of GOP memo criticizing FBI surveillance [ ]

House Republicans Release Secret Memo [ ] Accusing Russia Investigators of Bias

Disputed GOP-Nunes memo released


Read the Nunes Memo - plain text, not pdf or scribd-style
House Republicans on Friday released a previously secret memo that was written by Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee and declassified by President Trump. The memo claims that F.B.I. officials abused their authority and favored Democrats in the early stages of the Russia investigation.
Our reporters are reading the memo and will add their analysis soon. For more coverage, read here ["House Republicans Release Secret Memo Accusing Russia Investigators of Bias", ].

The full Nunes memo, annotated - plain text, not pdf or scribd-style

After Trump declassifies, Nunes memo released
'Congress will do whatever they're going to do, but I think it's a disgrace what's happening in our country,' the president says.

House intel releases Nunes memo alleging FBI bias

Entire Russia memo released over FBI objections

Releasing the Nunes memo is Trump’s most unethical act since firing Comey
By Matthew Miller
Matthew Miller was director of the Justice Department’s public affairs office from 2009 to 2011.


NYC Teacher Allegedly Walks on Students' Backs as Part of Slavery Lesson
New York City Department of Education reassigned the teacher away from students pending an investigation

‘You see how it was to be a slave?’ White teacher causes outrage for stepping on black children in cruel slavery lesson

Bronx teacher sparks outrage for using black students in cruel slavery lesson


A Haunting Video of Every Concussion Reported During the Current N.F.L. Season

Trump weighs barring U.S. military in South Korea from bringing families

Trump meets with North Korean defectors in Oval Office in bid to raise pressure on Kim Jong Un

The Pentagon Is Afraid to Give Trump More Military Options on North Korea

Is Trump Preparing for War With North Korea?
The omissions in the State of the Union, and the fate of Victor Cha, all point in the same direction.

North Korea Is Not the Threat Trump Would Have You Believe
The Kim regime will always be a greater danger to its own people than to Americans


The Farce, and the Grandeur, of Black History Month Under Trump

These Black History Artifacts Are Too Delicate to Touch, So I Recreated Them in 3-D
Meet one of the engineers behind a Google-funded installation at the African American History Museum

Lawmakers clash over how to honor Black History Month

Melania and Ivanka Trump Slammed for Black History Month Tweets: 'Irony Is Dead'


Black unemployment jumps, depriving Trump of an economic talking point he never deserved

Trump's Boast of Low Black Unemployment Shattered by New Numbers


Key dates in Brexit process

Tory rebels launch bid to keep UK in customs union with EU
Anna Soubry and Ken Clarke seek cross-party support in clear challenge to May’s authority


The controversial Nunes memo is out. Here’s what we know.
What happens after #ReleaseTheMemo.

The Nunes memo, explained with diagrams
The memo is out. Here’s why Republicans think it’ll discredit Robert Mueller’s investigation.

The 9 biggest questions about the Nunes memo, answered
A GOP Congress member’s controversial memo about the FBI and the Trump-Russia investigation, explained.

Carter Page, the star of the Nunes memo, explained
9 questions about the former Trump adviser you were too embarrassed to ask.

Nunes memo centers on a 40-year-old law written to prevent surveillance abuses

Suspicion, Not Proof, Is Enough For A FISA Warrant
The House Intelligence Committee's Republican-written memo is expected to be made public on Friday. It's expected to accuse the FBI of acting improperly in targeting Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page.

Republican ‘Release the Memo’ Conspiracy Ignores How Difficult It Is to Get a FISA Warrant

GOP-Nunes memo released alleging FBI cover-up
Meanwhile, a Democratic congressional source with direct knowledge told NBC News that four separate FISA judges reviewed the surveillance application and renewals of Page.

Nunes Memo: Read the full transcript of GOP memo

Nunes memo release leaves FBI Director Christopher Wray no choice: He must resign
The White House has decided it is more important to score political points than take national security concerns seriously.

Trump using kind of 'racist language and terrifying expressions of popular nationalism' that helped start First World War, historian Dan Snow warns
Exclusive: Leading historian questions the purpose of Brexit, criticises the way the US President is talking about great power conflict and warns: 'We should remember that those young men who marched away to war in 1914 did so because morose old men were worried about national status'

How fall of the Berlin Wall paved way for Germany’s populists

Why we should fear the 'Washington establishment' figures who are pulling the strings in the Trump administration
The poor judgement of the very people who are meant to be a restraining force on Trump was shown when Tillerson made a classic blunder that may have negative results for the US for years to come

Trump mistakenly thinks Republican Senator said he was the 'greatest President in history'
Orrin Hatch's office says the Senator only said Mr Trump 'could be' the greatest

Why Are We Afraid of Sharks? There's a Scientific Explanation. - Trump ( , )
Sharks aren't the mindless killers that we've cut them out to be.

Poll: Nearly half of parents would discourage football due to concussions

Joe Arpaio has given at least 5 interviews to anti-Semitic publication - American Free Press
PHOENIX — Maricopa County's controversial former sheriff who's now a GOP candidate for the U.S. Senate has given several interviews to a publication that traffics in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.
Joe Arpaio, whom President Trump pardoned last year after he was convicted of criminal contempt of court in connection with a federal civil-rights case, declined an opportunity Wednesday to distance himself from the extremist material.
Arpaio, who lost his 2016 re-election bid for sheriff, said he was unfamiliar with other stories on the American Free Press website, such as an interview with the author of an anti-Semitic book that was headlined Jewish Fingerprints All Over 9-11. But Arpaio declined to criticize the site or other anti-Semitic content associated with the publication.
"I'm not going to criticize the news media like you," Arpaio told The Arizona Republic. "I can't believe another news outlet is criticizing a newspaper."

Joe Arpaio pleads ignorance after giving interview to anti-Semitic weekly. It was his fifth.

Arpaio Claims He Didn’t Know Magazine Was Anti-Semitic - After Fifth Interview

Joe Arpaio’s excuse for his interview with anti-Semitic outlet is bogus, and we have the receipts
Arpaio claims he doesn't support the viewpoint of the anti-Semitic weekly to whom he's given five interviews. Hmm.


U.S. Attorney General to Refer Republican Memo to Justice Department - Reuters

Feds May Remove Marijuana Banking Protections, Treasury Department Says

Trump Administration Threatens ‘Sanctuary Cities’
Attorney General Sessions Threatens to Take Funding from Cities Protecting Immigrant Communities


Sentence buried in GOP memo may undercut Trump efforts to discredit Russia probe - h/t PegnVA
“The Papadopoulos information triggered the opening of an FBI counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016 by FBI agent Pete Strzok,” the memo noted in its final paragraph.
That timing is significant, given the FBI did not seek authorization to conduct surveillance on Page until three months later, on Oct. 21, 2016.

Pentagon unveils new nuclear weapons strategy, ending Obama-era push to reduce U.S. arsenal

Pentagon Sees Broader Role for Nuclear Weapons
More ‘lower-yield’ weapons called for to counter threats
Critics say strategy takes nuclear weapons onto battlefields

US says Russia 'developing' undersea nuclear-armed torpedo
First mention of Russian nuclear torpedo system
The report also publicly acknowledges, for the first time, that Russia is "developing" a "new intercontinental, nuclear armed, nuclear-powered, undersea autonomous torpedo."
Known in English as the "Status-6" system, the program is described by US officials as essentially a drone-type device fired underwater that can potentially travel thousands of miles and strike US coastal targets such as military bases or cities.
Upon detonation, the device is designed to cause large zones of radioactive contamination.
Some analysts have called it a "doomsday weapon," and US Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Arkansas, has labeled the concept "destabilizing."
"The concept is a horror of the Cold War," according to Adam Mount, a senior fellow and the director of the Defense Posture Project at the Federation of American Scientists. "It is clearly inspired by overblown Russian worries that US missile defenses will make their missile forces obsolete."
"There is no indication from public information that Russia is actively developing the system, but it is alarming to see it in a Pentagon document," Mount said, adding that while the program is referenced in the Nuclear Posture Review, it is not mentioned in other government reports.

Buried In Trump's Nuclear Report: A Russian Doomsday Weapon


Trump has ordered Dept. of Energy to prepare for possibility of first U.S. nuclear test in 26 years - h/t arizona1

references the following five:

Donald Trump Is Playing a Dangerous Game of Nuclear Poker

Trump regime on the verge of okaying two new warheads that could make nuclear war more likely

Exclusive: Here Is A Draft Of Trump’s Nuclear Review. He Wants A Lot More Nukes.
His first Nuclear Posture Review: more nukes, more posturing.

Mini-nukes: Still a bad choice for the United States

Trump review leans toward proposing mini-nuke
It would be a major reversal from the Obama administration, which sought to limit reliance on nuclear arms.

Why Did Trump Let the Russians Off the Hook? - Russia Matters
This week’s highly anticipated news on additional Russia sanctions landed with a thud.
For weeks, both Moscow and Washington had been astir about the impending steps the Trump administration would take against Russia based on legislation reluctantly signed by the president nearly six months ago and overwhelmingly supported by Congress.
The law, called the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act, or CAATSA, called for three analytical reports and the imposition of no less than five punitive measures, out of a possible 12, against Russia for interfering in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
The administration instead chose to impose zero new sanctions, saying the current ones were working and the “mere threat” of additional steps had had enough impact.

Trump plays turtle on Russia sanctions

Treasury warns of wide impact if U.S. sanctions Russian debt


GOP defies FBI, releases secret Russia memo to partisan fury
'Congress will do whatever they're going to do, but I think it's a disgrace what's happening in our country,' the president says.

Five takeaways from the Nunes surveillance memo

Nunes memo: Key extracts and what they mean
After days - weeks - of breathless anticipation, the secret memo is a secret no more. Was it a bomb or a dud?

The Nunes Memo Undermines the Right’s Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory

The Nunes memo is a giant, damaging distraction

Republicans Release the Nunes Memo to the Fury of Democrats
President Trump authorized the release of the unredacted memorandum over strident objections from top law-enforcement officials, as Democrats blasted it as deliberately misleading.

The Surprise in the Nunes Memo
The controversial document raises some interesting questions—but also undermines the political argument it was intended to buttress.


An Urban Legend Is Born
( )
In 1996 in Niagara, a tornado tore through a drive-in theater, ripping apart the movie screen—just as it played the scene in Twister in which a tornado demolishes a drive-in movie theater. “It seemed like the screen was coming alive,” remembers one witness. Another: “We’re watching Twister, and my god, we had a twister!”
It’s an incredible story, as its many "witnesses" will readily attest. But did it actually happen? Jay Cheel’s short documentary Twisted investigates this Canadian urban legend, revealing the fallibility of memory, the subjectivity of truth, and the enduring power of human storytelling.
“I think most people will continue to believe whatever stories support their beliefs and narratives, and question everything that challenges their ideals,” Cheel told The Atlantic. “And when truth depends upon memory, things seem to get very complicated.”

The Real Purpose Of The Nunes Memo
Despite the distraction, the memo shows no “deep state” plot to elect Hillary Clinton.

The GOP Memo Trump Hoped Would Stop Mueller’s Russia Probe Is A Misleading Dud
The much-hyped document reveals almost no new information, and is full of inaccuracies and omissions.

Sen. John McCain On Nunes Memo Release: ‘We Are Doing Putin’s Job For Him’
The Arizona senator blasted the memo, which President Donald Trump declassified against the wishes of the intelligence community.

The RNC Should Just Call Itself The Trump National Committee Now
The party of morality and law has become the party of defending accused sexual predators and attacking law enforcement.

Republicans Warned Secret Memo Would Be ‘Worse Than Watergate.’ It’s Not.
Much of the memo’s contents were already public information.

Right-Wing Outlets Got Advance Excerpts Of GOP Memo, Underscoring Its Partisan Nature
Fox News obtaining “exclusive first excerpts” demonstrates that the release of the memo was never about transparency, only about politics.

The Republican Message At The GOP Retreat: ‘This Is Fine’

Trump’s SOTU Gets Positive Reviews, Doesn’t Convince Anyone He’s Pivoting
The speech was seen as focusing largely on immigration and the economy.

Judge Says Florida’s System For Restoring Voting Rights To Felons Is Unconstitutional
Judge Mark Walker blasted the state’s process, with its “substantial risk of arbitrary and discriminatory vote-restoration,” as “worse than a coin flip.”

First Woman To Accuse Nassar Says Church Can Be One Of ‘Worst Places’ To Go For Help
People who work with victims of sexual assault say the evangelical church should re-evaluate how it treats survivors.

Anti-Abortion Democrat Loses Key Support To Progressive Challenger
Marie Newman’s campaign against Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-Ill.) is getting a big boost from EMILY’s List.

Polish Lawmakers Approve Controversial Holocaust Bill Despite International Criticism
The bill seeks to punish those who suggest that Poland was complicit in the Holocaust.

Justin Timberlake Says His Son ‘Will Never Play Football’
The singer spoke at a Super Bowl press conference.

In Trump vs. the F.B.I., Trump Will Lose

Trump vs. the FBI

House Republicans Release Secret Memo Accusing Russia Investigators of Bias

Trump has picked a fight with the FBI. He’ll be sorry.
By Eugene Robinson


Sean Hannity Has Been Advising Donald Trump on the Nunes Memo, Because of Course He Has
Donald Trump continues to get his policy advice from the people on ‘the shows.’

Report: Sean Hannity has been advising Trump on Nunes memo


Trump’s White House Goes Weirdly Silent on the Nunes Memo
A scandal that was supposed to be bigger than Watergate goes almost unmentioned by the president’s team after it breaks.

White House sees price for release of Nunes memo

The Trump White House’s laughable spin that releasing the Nunes memo is all about ‘transparency’

Judiciary Dem: I suspect Nunes and White House coordinated on memo - Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.)


How Trump’s Allies Fanned an Ember of Controversy Into Flames of Outrage

Trump says 'people should be ashamed' after memo is declassified - included near the end in the official White House YouTube "President Trump Meets with North Korean Defectors" included in sequence in the body of this post above (there followed immediately by Trump's "You figure that one out." reply to "Does [the memo] make you more likely to fire Rosenstein? Do you still have confidence in him after reading the memo?")
Guardian News [also at ]

K.T. McFarland withdraws nomination for Ambassador to Singapore

K. T. McFarland Withdraws Her Nomination to Be Ambassador to Singapore - lied to Senate when asked if she knew of discussions between Michael T. Flynn, the former national security adviser, and Russian ambassador Kislyak

KT McFarland withdraws nomination to be US ambassador to Singapore

The Agonizingly Slow Downfall of K. T. McFarland
January 29, 2018


Trump administration approves second Medicaid work requirement, for Indiana

Trump Administration Approves Work Mandate for Medicaid in Indiana
Alex Azar, sworn in Monday as Health and Human Services secretary, said the mandate ‘recognizes Medicaid can become a way out of poverty’

Trump administration approves Medicaid work requirements for Indiana, thousands to lose coverage
"By announcing today’s approval, Secretary Azar is escalating the Republican war on health care and its effort to demolish Medicaid from the inside out."


If Immigrants Are Pushed Out, Who Will Care for the Elderly?

Justice Dept. told court of source’s political influence in request to wiretap ex-Trump campaign aide, officials say

Calling Trump Nixonian? That’s not fair to Nixon.
By Ruth Marcus

Why the Nunes memo takes aim at a Justice Dept. official specializing in gangs and drugs


Pope’s China Calculation Clashes with Image as Champion of Oppressed
Some believers say they feel abandoned when Pope Francis pursues diplomatic goals in China, Russia, Mideast

Pope Francis to Bow to China With Concession on Bishops
Vatican to move to end standoff and gain authority by recognizing seven excommunicated prelates

Pope’s briefing system under scrutiny after gaffe in Chile
Francis has created his own informal, parallel information structure outside the Vatican.


Polar Bears Require More Food to Survive Than Thought
Due to climate change, they already may not be catching enough prey to meet their high energy demands

Already Threatened Polar Bears Face Food Shortage Crisis Amid Climate Change
We’re certainly not making it easier for them.

Polar bears could face extinction faster than thought, study says

meanwhile, on Fox:
Snow Lilly the polar bear makes Groundhog Day prediction at the Milwaukee County Zoo



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Greensburg, KS - 5/4/07

"Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."
from John Philpot Curran, Speech
upon the Right of Election, 1790


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