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02/09/18 10:33 PM

#1831 RE: pete807 #1830

You know, all week I maintained it would be a mistake to buy anything without visibility. Last night I had the feeling that NGL was about to decompress---meaning that it had held well through Wednesday in part because shorts were afraid their world m ight collapse on their shoulders if the CC was good. Well, it was but they had to make waves anyway as that's how shorts operate. So everybody was poking around trying to understand and I was buying and urging everybody to do likewise. Meanwhile, many at SA are scratching their heads, in disbelief and determined to prove we are massive idiots for buying NGL.

It's confusion, pete807. Simple as that, it's confusion and that leads to disbelief and then it ushers in denial as people realize (slowly) that they've been had, done in by their own fear.

Those who listened into the CC or read the transcript will quickly realize that NGL ownership will get you 39 cents for the current quarter. And it's obvious the company wants to be able to increase the distribution but for now it's either entertain an increase and watch the yield sink like a rock while the unit valuation rises or some variation thereof---which management doesn't think will go over well. They are clearly right!

I am now more excited than ever. A lot of things will likely go well for the company and they've been altogether upfront when it comes to viewing things honestly and truthfully. Even their hedges aren't exactly working as hoped for the spot market would offer advantages, to a point.

Still, things are as things are and there's much to appreciate. But as you point out, NGL numbers are looking good overall. Some jerks at SA refuse to see things as they are. I suspect they are envious of us for having the nerve to face dangers common to common units as opposed to preferreds. And maybe they're jealous because I hold 24 units of NGL?

Whatever it is,,,,,, I'm thinking that when some of the market dust settles we could find NGL leaping forward a dollar in a single day. We've experienced it before, numerous times, in fact., I'm certainly ready!


02/10/18 10:47 AM

#1834 RE: pete807 #1830

The one negative analysis I saw stated ngl would not have met their expected #s if they did not sell the 300 million of the 2 company’s that were profitable to them. They raised 300 million but owe 2.9 billion. They went on to say ,without these 2 companies they sold it’s going to be difficult to meet future earnings and pay down debt. This is one opinion, I’m sure there’s plenty to refute this.