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02/09/18 8:15 PM

#276986 RE: Matrix999 #276985

Matrix999, Blue states have baby-sat red states for many years. What else to do with those incapable of shedding ideology for
policies that actually work for betterment of their citizens. What else to do with those incapable of looking after themselves.

Good post. To link these

Under Trump, red states are finally going to be able
to turn themselves into poor, unhealthy paradises.

So why are the welfare states overwhelmingly red?
Like you racist bitches could live without us?

Republicans want small government because they want less taxes. That's why they support a bloated defense that spends more money than any other 20 countries combined.
Republicans hate handouts. That's why they insist that corporations get $95B in welfare directly from the pockets of the tax payer.
Republicans are the party of personal responsibility. That's why they hate Obamacare because it forces people to buy insurance instead of taking from the tax payer when uninsured.
Republicans want a government that's less intrusive. That's why they want the government to make women's choices for them, why they support prohibition, and why they spend billions on the war on drugs.
Republicans support religious freedom. That's why they want Islam out of this country and want to prohibit secularists from holding office.
Republicans support the troops. That's why they cut military benefits and refuse to expand services for returning veterans.
Republicans are patriotic. That's why they sabotage negotiations with Iran and support Putin more than me.