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02/09/18 5:49 PM

#100170 RE: JMURILLO #100169

They're still doing their job... The audit firm never stopped doing its job, hence why the firm is not in breach of contract...

That's the thing many of us, especially those here who work for auditing firms keep trying to tell people who are complaining about this so called deadline being missed... These things, particularly the initial audit, takes time... Especially when it is a company getting current on 3 or 4 years of time, across multiple subsidiaries, with a shell (Roger bought AMFE as a shell- he has to get the company current to the time before his ownership as well through the audit), especially when the audit firm found accounting mistakes as Roger mentioned (that made AMFE look even more profitable than they thought), plus you are dealing with things like international companies, the government, etc.... It all takes time...

So I researched it... Here is a copy of the Audit Engagement Letter that was signed August 10th, 2017:

The up front retainer fee was $15,000 and the whole audit will cost $45,000 unless additional expenses get occurred through the process... The rest of the $45,000 is due by June 30th, 2018...